the first image after the opening credits
and the last image before the end credits...

Can you guess the movie?
Highlight for the answer: Believe it or not, it's John Cameron Mitchell's SHORTBUS (2006)
for more first and last quizzes hit the label below
Highlight for the answer: Believe it or not, it's John Cameron Mitchell's SHORTBUS (2006)
for more first and last quizzes hit the label below
The New World?
Nope, not The New World.
Didn't think so! I'm totally stumped.
Nope, not 2001.
Nope, not Apocalypto.
I am apparently a terrible judge of whether these things will be easy or not. I really didn't think I was being tough with this one! I'll give it a little while and then offer up some clues in a bit if nobody gets it. But keep guessing!
Nope, not easy :p
i'm gonna be completley off but i have no clue, so ill guess Harry Potter 6 or Epsilon
It's not Harry Potter 6 or Epsilon.
The movie is not science-fiction. It's less than 5 years old. And its director has an Oscar-baity type movie coming out this year.
Fdot's got it, it's Shortbus. Hooray!
it looks like a dragon's eye at the beginning and then... well. a fantasy movie of some sort.
SHORTBUS? really?
SHORTBUS!!?? Wow, i was going with DRACULA or BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF, even though I knew they were both wrong, but SHORTBUS? I thought that started off with cock? Who knew? I guess Fdot!!
The Fountain - I know its sci-fi but I have to try.
The animated sequences that start and end the film! That's Lady Liberty's eye in green and then the nighttime cityscape swirling around after Sook-Yin Lee has her fated orgasm at the end.
Dammit! I didn't think anyone would know this one and I was so proud that I did. LOVES me some Shortbus.
One of those movies I need to check out, ughh these images only enhance my desire to see it more.
I saw this before anyone had posted was utterly dumbfounded. My initial thought was Planet of the Apes, but only if the captions were reversed.
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