honorable mention goes to... Victor Pytko

Hee. Topical! And it is quite funny to imagine thrilling "research" scenes shot in 3D. Maybe Swank could throw a book towards the camera when she becomes frustrated?
And the winner is... The Z

Both winners may collect door prizes from my Oscar party that I forgot to give out,
should they choose to!
P.S. It's your last chance to enter the fourth edition ACTRESS PSYCHIC CONTEST - No more entries will be received after tonight!
This pic says OSCAR BAIT.
Sorry Swank, you grate on my last nerve.
Hilary Swank Thinking:
I know Nathaniel Rogers doesn't like my acting, so I should probably study some method acting before getting my 3rd Oscar.
Nathaniel, Carey Mulligan is the lead in Never Let Me Go. She's not in Brighton Rock.
"Shouldn't I be in film history books? I went from dreaming in a trailer park to two Oscars!"
"See! The word 'gullible' IS in the dictionary!"
Ha ha ha. Can't decide between Miley and Vanessa!
danielle -- right you are. sorry about that.
Nathaniel, Aronofsky's doing BLACK SWAN, not Fincher.
I'm studying quantum physics, post-structuralism, Farsi, plus reading these biographies of Meryl and Tilda. Maybe now that meanie Nathaniel Rogers won't think I'm a dolt.
Nathaniel --
Isn't Soderbergh's Contagion due this year? It looks like 2010's Nine/District 9 hybrid (i.e. if it bombs, expect at least one acting nod and if it's a box office behemoth a few -- throw in a Best Picture nod for good measure). It's only competition, as far as genre pieces go, is Nolan's Inception.
You may want to add:
Jessica Alba ( An Invisible Sign of My Own )
Elizabeth Banks ( The Next Three Days )
Drew Barrymore ( Going the Distance )
Maria Bello ( Beautiful Boy )
Melissa Leo ( The Space Between )
Gwyneth Paltrow ( Love Don’t Let Me Down )
Natalie Portman ( Love and Other Impossible Pursuit )
Emily Watson ( Oranges and Sunshine )
"'T-t-t-th-th-th-uh... Th-uh... Th-e. The. D-d-d-d-d-d... D-o-o-o... Guh... D-o-guh. Do-guh... Dog. The Dog.' Well that's enough for today."
Contagion is due for 2011.
My caption: "Annette is playing a lesbian? Well and they call that range? Look at me, I'm READING books. Now THAT is range."
God, these Hilary captions are gonna get so nasty!
"Hmm... It says here that Annette Bening is primed to have a good chance of getting nominated this year. Better take another baity, emotionally manipulative, deceptively superficial role to take that buzz away from her... AGAIN! Mwahahaha..."
(Okay, I recognize that has much more malice than the photograph lends itself toward.)
"It says here that Meryl Streep ALSO has won two Oscars. Bitch."
Your top 75 missed 5 of my top 40:
#2 Biutiful - Allejandro González Iñarritu - what a name?! And there really was (more than just) something to "Babel"
#6 127 Hours - don't know, sounded good to me
#19 The Special Relationship - ok, Primary Colors didn't get any nods, so probably I'm terribly wrong with my 2+1 acting nods for this
#31 The Runaways - this is no Oscar nominee, only Golden Globe. Is it Drama or Musical???
#36 Cyrus - no Oscar nominee, only a possible Golden Globe Best Motion Picture Comedy nominee... but only my #7 or 8...
Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus, seems like 1950 Gloria Swanson vs Bette Davis
"I'm such a tragic underdog that I'll forgo an actual seat and read these law books on the floor. All the easier for those around me to kick me while I'm down."
"I'm just a girl from a trailer park with this here book."
russ -- thanks. ugh. I SO need to proofread. it's funny but i do always think of Aronofsky and Fincher in tandem ... maybe because they both struck me as "too cool for Oscar" for so many years before Oscar suddenly noticed them.
dominik -- those are not placed in order. there's no rank. I was just typing as i looked stuff up. Ignore the order until there's actually predictions ;)
"What the hell is this Lee Strasberg thing? I think I'm probably better off without it..." - Hilary Swank
"I should probably be preparing for my brother's murder trial tomorrow, but this Nicholas Sparks novel is just too darn good."
"10 Ways to Win Your Third Oscar by Jack Nicholson. Well, I guess I can scratch 'bang Helen Hunt' off the list. Then again..."
Damnit! I just realized I forgot to post my name. I'm Anonymous at 10:13 PM.
What about The Danish Girl? Nicole or Gwyneth for that.
And you guys are so freaking mean. :(
Caption -
"It's been five years since my last Oscar? Well shit."
Hilary reading "How to deal with being underappreciated by the Academy."
Ha! Did anyone else catch the Beelzebub tag? Thanks for the laugh, Nathaniel.
Annette Bening must be getting REALLY pissed off at me. Might as well hole up in the library for the next 11 months.
While reading "Blockbusters of the Digital Age," Hilary discovers too late that "Betty Anne Waters" could have been released in 3D."
"I - do - not - like - green - eggs - and - ham"
"maybe because they both struck me as "too cool for Oscar" for so many years before Oscar suddenly noticed them."
Wait, Oscar noticed Aronofsky? When? As far as I can tell all they've done with his films is nominate some actors (two of which were previous winners).
My caption:
"Now all I need to do is replace Annette's name from this Warren Beatty biography and my mission will be complete!"
Glenn... NITPICK.
yes, i suppose you're right. But I believe the almost business with The Wrestler have opened the floodgate.
or at least that's what i'm hoping. Because seriously... ARONOFSKY! oscar voters are so dumb sometimes.
Swank: There must be something here that can make me go for a 3rd before Meryl does, but WHAT?!
"If I bomb out in this role too, then my career's gonna sink faster than Amelia Earhart did."
Thank you, thank you.
(But THE Z probably won this contest in a landslide. So, so funny!)
"I wanna be better. Edgier. Smarter. I've got Gravity's Rainbow in one hand and the works of Chuck Palahniuk on the floor. And, if that doesn't succeed to prove I'm edgy, I've also got The Bone People there. Accent job and playing asexual. Sounds like a slam dunk to get some people with actual taste on my side."
Did "Cairo Time" ever get a stateside release in 2009? If not, then it could show up this year and I like Patricia Clarkson for a lead nod.
Also, Carey Mulligan does her 'good schoolgirl gone astray' thing again, but this time with an American accent and a bun in the oven in "The Greatest", alongside Pierce Brosnan and Susan Sarandon. Either Susan or Carey could get lead recognition for this (or Supporting...who the hell ever knows anymore). Set for April this year?
"Um, you're blocking the aisle."
(On a personal note: This just happens to be one of my pet peeves.)
This picture reminds me of the montage scene at the start of Alias where Sydney Bristow gets in some solid book learning before joining the fake CIA.
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