Thursday, April 08, 2010


Hello, everybody. It's JA from MNPP offering up my poor lil' orphaned movie that nobody wants to see but me. Sad face.

Love and Other Drugs
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Judy Greer, Oliver Platt, Hank Azaria

Synopsis: Based on Jamie Reidy's memoir Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman, this is the movie that brings the world Jake Gyllenhaal hawking boner pills and wearing a crotch merkin whilst romping with Annie again. Brokeback reunion, yo!

Brought to you by: 20th Century Fox
Expected release date: Nothing solid yet but it seems like a late September-ish movie, doesn't it?

Honestly I was sold the minute I heard "Jake Gyllenhaal" and "Viagra" in the same sentence. And then he went on Jimmy Kimmel and talked about all the naked rolling around he was doing with Annie and my expectations pretty much took the natural path unto the stratosphere from there.

But in looking up more info on the film so I could say something more than "Jake Gyllenhaal and boner jokes!" I discovered a couple of things. Firstly that Judy Greer's in the film, and I've expressed my love for Miss Greer here at The Film Experience just recently.

And secondly, they're via IMDb so who knows if they're plants but I read a couple of early reviews of the film (spoilers at the link) and wowza it sounds fun. I'm not much of a Zwick fan really but this is so different from the mopey serious dramas he's been telling for ages now so who knows what's in store?

Oh and Annie's playing Parkinsons. Could there be a nomination in there, or will the film be too silly for that? Anybody read the book?

"We Can't Wait: Summer and Beyond"
The "orphan" picks Nathaniel (Burlesque), JA (Love and Other Drugs), Jose (You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger), Craig (What's Wrong With Virginia?), Robert (True Grit) and Dave (Brighton Rock); Team Film Experience Countdown #12 It's Kind of a Funny Story, #11 Sex & the City 2, #10 Scott Pilgrim vs the World, #9 Somewhere, #8 The Kids Are All Right, #7 The Illusionist, #6 Toy Story 3, #5 Inception, #4 Rabbit Hole, #3 Never Let Me Go, #2 Black Swan and #1 The Tree of Life.


Kurtis O said...

Not that anyone's even talking about this (that I'm aware of, anyway), but I suddenly find myself tickled by the thought of a Supporting Actress nom for Judy Greer, an actress I generally find ingratiating. With the plethora of supporting parts she's offered over the last decade or so, it would seem her delivering the goods in a more prestigious picture might be well-received, especially since EVERYONE has seen her in at least five films. And, dammit, as much as her cutesiness gets under my skin, one really can't but think of her as endearing -- a nice girl and a dependable supporting player who always manages to emerge unscathed even when her movie sucks (and many of them do). A respectable film might just be the ticket she needs to get a little respect herself.


Kurtis O... good point. I could definitely see her as someone people will want to reward eventually. Even if only because she's worked with everyone now.

This was also nearly on my list or at the very bottom so it didn't earn enough points to make the "we can't wait" list. But I'm still desperate to see it.

the thing that's holding me back is Edward Zwick. I just don't like his work much, sadly.

I hope the early buzz is right that it's not as heavy handed as his earlier Oscar grabs. We'll see.

Robert said...

Glory was one of the first real quality films I saw as a young lad, and I've always liked Zwick's TV work. But alas, I can't bring myself to be excited for his films anymore.

Danielle said...

I'm not a big fan of Jake Gyllenhaal, and I just can't see him getting any awards attention for this.. or ever again, for that matter. He just doesn't have much of a screen presence, and I'm convinced he'll be eclipsed my Anne's star power.

Morgan Leigh Davies said...

I read the script for this and it was pretty clever but I wasn't in love with it... it's all a bit predictable, and I wished that Hathaway's character were more fleshed out (aside from having Parkinson's there's not a LOT to distinguish her; hopefully Annie will make something more of it).

Jake Gyllenhaal should be really good, though -- it's exactly the type of role he's been good at in the past, with a little extra cynicism/ruthlessness.

NoNo said...

Looking back Jake owner every scene he was in with Anne in Brokeback Mountain but she has grown immensely as an actress since then. Jake on the other hand is too busy trying to be an action star and not an actor. The Prince of Persia?

Lucky said...

I read a couple of early reviews for this film, and I'll post the link when I find it, but they pretty much said that Anne Hathaway stole the show. They were raving her, and they didn't even love the movie.

They also talked about the naked scenes, of course.

Keyshia said...

I can't stand Hathaway. So I won't be seeing this.

Sam said...

I think Jake G. is an excellent actor and I am looking forward to seeing him LAOD. He is very talented and I think he owns the screen in most movies he is in. He is not a flashy actor and I think that takes even more talent than being the showier lead.

Danielle said...

Isn't Anne working on being actor star, also? Bride Wars? Valentine's Day?

She's trying to mix prestige with high profile... hopefully for her it won't turn out as badly as it did for Kidman.

Danielle said...

(For the record, it does seem to be working for her.)

NoNo said...

I said action star not actor star. Didn't he audition for Batman Begins? He was also supposed to take Tobey McGuire's place in Spider-Man 2 because of his back problems. They even made a joke about him on Entourage. I feel like he's making a big mistake with this Disney film he has coming out this summer...

Anonymous said...

Directed by: Edward Zwick.

KA-BOOM! 'Nuff said.

Sam said...

So what if Jake auditioned for action movies before. So have many actors and many actors have done action movies and still remained good actors. I don't think he is making a mistake at all.

shelly p. said...

Most of the test screening reviews of this film from "twitter search" has been tremendous. Even the Fox executives are very proud of this film -and they are predicting another Oscar Nomination for Anne Hathaway. Look at this blog .

No Bad Movies said...

There were rumors on the set that said it's Anne's best work of her career. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I think she will definitely be in the discussion at the end of the year. This is going to be a better year than last in most categories. Even support. Will be a more difficult year to distinguish who will make the top 5spots.

Dave Sapp said...

I live in the Pgh area and I was actually an extra in this film (non-speaking of course) on a Saturday in November.
Pgh was supposed to be Chicago that day and the scenes were in the alternative medicine convention that Annie was attending. Jake G seems like a great guy, he was joking around a lot with co-stars and I was only on it one day but there is some wild humor in it, the kind of stuff you probably have not heard before.
I'll go see it when it comes out.

Dave Sapp said...

I live in the Pgh area and I was actually an extra in this film (non-speaking of course) on a Saturday in November.
Pgh was supposed to be Chicago that day and the scenes were in the alternative medicine convention that Annie was attending. Jake G seems like a great guy, he was joking around a lot with co-stars and I was only on it one day but there is some wild humor in it, the kind of stuff you probably have not heard before.
I'll go see it when it comes out.

Anthony said...

Hey, just so you know, one of those positive IMDb reviews you read is actually from me and, no, I'm not a studio plant. I just get to go to free screenings from a website ( to be exact).

My review is the one entitled "A hilarious, sexy, and romantic dramedy packed full of all the necessities."

But, yeah, the film's fantastic and probably my favourite release of the year thus far.