On the left we have BFFs Salma Hayek & Penélope Cruz. You can't see that I placed them in handholding BFF poses because I also gave them unfortunately poofy matching dresses -- what's a BFF good for if you can't wear matching ensembles? I threw in Johnny Depp for some eccentricity... and while I was going there added Björk too. They did have a swan dress for her but why be so literal? Instead I just gave her a bathrobe with a tie and some edible accessories (dog bone and pastry hat for the obvious reason of: why not?).I already regret placing Anne Hathaway in a dress that's more suited for an aging goddess like Julie Andrews or Glenn Close but it's easy to imagine Ms. Hathaway on the red carpet when she's 60, isn't it? (The one major problem with this time sucker: 17 pages of celebrity paper dolls to choose from and not even that number of individual gown choices? Oh the humanity!)
I couldn't find a dress I liked for Beyoncé so I just made a slutty one out of shiny necklaces since it's that kind o' tacky that gets media attention. Perhaps I erred, Beyoncé being so shy and all? I finished the dress up game with Channing Tatum but I didn't think clothing was appropriate. Less is more.
Stardoll has *gasp* 5 million users. (It's not like they need me to point at them. But like I said: sucker for interactivity) That's a lot of pre teen and teen girl power. Apparently, based on polling, they're all rooting for Kate Winslet to win the Oscar. Poor things... Sunday night will be rough on them. Oscar breaks everyone's heart eventually.
Ooh that's fun - but you're right, it'd be funner with more dresses to play with.
How did you get your scenery saved as a jpeg to put on your blog?
i just took a snapshot from my computer itself. (desktop snapshots are a cinch on Macs... i'm pretty sure there's a way to do it on PCs too but i don't know how.
but i think there's a way to save your images there on the site.
To take a screen-shot just press alt and print screen on your keyboard and the control and v after opening a graphics editing software, say Paint.
After that you can edit or just save it.
You can also use Photoshop or other software for editing the screen-shot.
BTW I'm a Mac user too.
PS I appreciate your newfangled approach Nat and I must say I'm impressed by your blog.
Your weird obsession with Channing is disturbing me.
ANd how can you take a snapshot on a PC? Does anyone know? I want to know. Does anyone actually know?
Thanks Nathaniel!
This is the first time I've ever commented/posted but I've been a big supporter/fan of The Film Experience for YEARS!!! Keep up the movie lovin'!!
welcome joseph and all first time commenters (sometimes i don't know its your first)
To get a screenshot on a PC you just hit the Print Screen button (should be to the right of F12) and then CTRL-V in whatever Office program you want and go from there.
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