There's recently been an announcement that both "Death Proof" and "Planet Terror", the two halves that make up Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's exploitation Grindhouse feature, will have 'reels missing'. The last time I saw a movie with a reel missing was on the DVD of Judy Garland's A Star is Born (1954). So, uh, maybe I'm the wrong audience for this? This was high on three lists but absent on mine and Stinky Lulu's. Sell us on it guys. Or am I just being 'withholding' because I want lazy QT to make full movies and not dick around so much inbetween the masterpieces...
JA: The "missing reel" thing strikes me as maybe a little too gimmicky, too, but I get what they're going for and if it isn't completely distracting to the point of annoyance then I can deal with it. And you wanna know why I can deal with it? ROSE MCGOWAN HAS A MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. That is a sentence that was formed by climbing into the Mt. Doom of my imagination and taking the molten essence of coolness and solidifying it into a pure and golden perfectness.

Gabriel: Ja, you are my soul sister. Rodriguez and Tarantino are ideally suited for this kind of reimagined exploitation flick, and it's sure to be a lot of fun, but the important thing to remember is that ROSE MCGOWAN HAS A MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. Can this be what heaven feels like?
Joe: Does that machine gun shoot vitafirm serum? Because have you seen her face lately?
No matter, this is my kind of movie. I am completely in love with the enthusiasm Rodriguez and Tarantino bring to the screen. And when they team up? Even when it’s bad, it’s so, so good. Has anyone seen the stand-up display for Grindhouse at your local theatre? Even the marketing is coked-up. Coked-up with a love of making movies, I mean!

Nathaniel: I haven't seen the stand-up yet --I'm on my annual one month break from moviegoing -- but I concur on the enthusiasm factor. I imagine a lot of directors, if they're feeling self-aware, are probably a little embarassed watching Tarantino flicks, just for the sheer verve of them. So many films feel sleepy (as droopy eyed as Rose?) in comparison.
That said, Grindhouse might be a little violence for violence sake for me to enjoy. Like Sin City Redux only hopefully more inventive since it doesn't have to adhere to source material.
* NEW FOOTAGE is up at Yahoo Movies

previously on "we can't wait"
#11 Bug, #12 Sunshine, #13 Southland Tales, #14 300, #15 Hot Fuzz, #16 Stardust, #17 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, #18 Spider-Man 3, #19 Rendition, #20 The Bourne Ultimatum, Intro -films that didn't make it
tags: Quentin Tarantino, grindhouse, Rose McGowan, movie, cinema, Robert Rodriguez
the fact that ROSE MCGOWAN HAS A MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG is pretty much sums up why i have no interest in this film AT ALL
They should just have that on the poster and it would sell itself. The trailer should just be that written on a title card for 2 minutes and nothing else.
This is definitely in my Top 5 anticipated titles of the year. Sure, it looks schlocky and ridiculous and ultra-violent (but not in the icky Asian horror way), but that's the point.
I'd rather have a director like Tarantino who does whatever he wants than those who do whatever the Academy wants (and even then they still fail miserably. Hi Ron Howard!!)
Maybe Rose is auditioning to be the next James Bond villain? A droopy eye is way better than weeping blood, and she's got the stuff to entice 007 until the nasty boudoir reveal that she HAS A MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG.
it's important that it be in all caps
very very important
Very, very IMPORTANT.
I can't fcking wait for Grindhouse. There.
I hope this makes Rose McGowan a big and bright Hollywood star...finally...
Reminds me of David Sedaris writing about FIRE ISLAND.
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