Is there any historical proof that King Henry VIII was an extreme hottie? Because, well, day-yumn.
But no...

this is what we call "creative license" or "liberties taken"
[see popbytes for more on Jonathan Rhys-Meyer's go at the royal in The Tudors]
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Bravo. It's not often one sees the contrast between fiction and reality so succinctly demonstrated.
I nearly fell off my chair.
Liberties are indeed being taken - although to be strictly fair, Henry was a reputed hottie in his young days.
Mind you, this is only compared to other Royalty and most of them were Hapsburgs, notorious for being quite fantastically ugly, even in offical portraits. Would love to see what Hollywood could make of them.
Eric and Jonny really don't seem like Henry VIII to me. To everyone, I assume.
They're too hot!! I'm straight, but I'm not blind.
Creative license is the only thing they can say to justiy this. They're both good actors, but come on... Henry?
I'll wait until I see the movie. Maybe they'll have some makeup magic going on.
Bana will win.
The defense rests.
That is all.
Maybe they are going UGLY for their art a la Swank or Theron. Maybe they will get 20 pounds on, and act under a ton of make up. Maybe?
Bruno, fortunately for lustful viewers, that trailers suggest otherwise (at least for The Tudors).
I would much rather watch Jonathan. Don't care for Bana.
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