Friday, January 30, 2009

New in Town?

<-- Oh Z!, be careful what you ask for

Received on my iPhone from my favorite anonymous "txt critic" who was unusually verbose this time.
Okay, chalk it up to bottom of the barrell expectations, but I thought New in Town was fine. Really.

I can't see it making even the least discriminating housewive's favorites list, but it was totally watchable, cute, pleasant. And dare I say it, I found Miss Z not annoying/false for the first time in 5-6 years.

I swear to god. I mean, it wasn't good! But it went down easy.
Curious. And I think that's a recommendation... of some alien thumbless kind. What say ye readers, should I give her another chance? Dare I step into the movie theater for this one and report back? I'll count up the yays and nays and act according to your collective will. (eep)


Anonymous said...

That seems me to be more of a "if you HAVE to see it, like on a plane or you accidentally stumble into the theatre or you're held down, eyes-pinned-open and forced to watch it, then it's not the end of the world" kind of comment.

So I'd say give it a miss.

Anonymous said...

DO IT!!! I just watched "Nurse Betty" on TV the other day. Ms. Z can do the comedy thing quite well akshully.

abstew said...

nathaniel, i applaud your sense of adventure and commitment to your readers in a i-watched-it-so-you-don't-have-to kind of way.
but, you've seen that poster in the subway. imagine THAT for an hour and a half. as a test, just stare into her...eyes(?) for a minute, if you make it through that, than you are made of stronger stuff than i. and maybe it is a sign that it is time to reconciled with she who must not be named.

Cengiz said...

I agree. Do it. What do you have to loose? And you might (dare I say it) actually (fingers crossed) like her again (GASP), or at least start liking her again.

RahulB said...

When she stopped begging for an Oscar like it was a statue full of insulin and she had diabetes...I think she became a little bit more tolerable.

I just need her to gain some weight and go back to the Nurse Betty/Bridget Jones 1 (not 2) woman I used to adore.

Anonymous said...

DO IT! Even if the movie sucked, you would still have Harry Connick Jr. to stare at.

Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn said...

nay. "it wasn't good but it went down easy" doesn't sound like it's worth wasting the hour and forty minutes...sounds like a candidate for hbo on demand in about a year.

Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn said...

nay. "it wasn't good but it went down easy" doesn't sound like it's worth wasting the hour and forty minutes...sounds like a candidate for hbo on demand in about a year.

Antonio Cuesta said...

I hope Renee can never get off from that town.

Anonymous said...

Just do it.

Anonymous said...

It would be so amusing to read your thoughts on that!! so, being selfish: do it!


Janice said...

Um, I couldn't get through the entire trailer, so that should tell you something. How many times do we have to see these fish out of water stories? big city snob goes to some hick town filled with redneck stereotypes, falls in love with someone they cannot stand but everyone else knows they are destined for, gives up big city life for small town living, blah blah blah. How many of those do we get a YEAR? And why are these films all made in Hollywood, presumably by people who have never been to the Midwest but think it's good for a laugh?

Watch the trailer, skip, save yourself the money.

Middle-P said...

While I intially thought save your money and time, the age old "Face your fears" came to mind...

So go. Maybe it will change your life for the better. The worst that can happen is you can rant about how bad it was to us, thus letting your worldly stress out and giving us a good read!

Nick M. said...

If there were no better films playing in NYC, then I might say "go for it," just so I could cackle at your witty jeers--but we know that's not the case.

I'm throwing in a vote for "Go see The Panic in Needle Park at the Film Forum."

Cluster Funk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cluster Funk said...

For this one I say do not seek, unless it's a seek-and-destroy (Zelly) proposition of course, in which case by all means go ahead!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. There's plenty of other stuff a NYCer and film lover like yourself could be doing this weekend.

I say no.


Anonymous said...

I am from Minnesota and saw this preview the other day before The Reader! We laughed thinking that the Reader audience was the same as the New in Town audience. I really hate this type of movie that comes out of Hollywood and puts midwesterners in such a can predict the whole thing..and they didnt even film it here! They look at MN as a death sentence...I've been to LA a few times and thats the death sentence! Anyways...all of that plus she who must not be named...adds up to a big no! I would rather see that Elizabeth Banks horror movie or just go see a good movie again.

Katey said...

Spare yourself! Renee Z. has never been more annoying!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing I hate more than the "city folk end up in a small town and can't do anything right while the small town folk all roll their eyes at the dumb city folk" movies.

Having said that, I will selfishly vote see it so I can read your amusing (or surprising?) comments.

Anonymous said...

why not? I say "yay" Nathaniel, I know "she who must not be named" totally robbed Holly Hunter's deserved Oscar but she's always been at her best in comedies. The movie might not be great but maybe her performance will win you back. Besides the obviously great "Nurse Betty" and "Bridget Jones's Diary", she's enjoyable in "Empire Records" and "Down With Love" (over-the-top a bit, but isn't the whole movie actually?). Honestly I think you can't count her out YET.

Anonymous said...

I say no because it's a slippery slope. Soon you'll have to see "He's Just Not That Into You" or do a re-evaluation of "27 Dresses." Speaking as a woman in her 30s, I HATE that the movie industry thinks that this is what I want to see, so I actively encourage people to boycott stuff like this.

Anonymous said...

During the filming of this movie, here in Winnipeg, that nutbag lost her mind on me. It was 9AM, and I took it upon myself to add a photo of Renee Zellwegger to my photo collection. I found her at a Starbucks and talked to her for a bit. She was trying to keep me quiet, so that I wouldn't reveal her identity. As she was leaving I snapped a picture of her. Due to the city I live in being a constantly frozen tundra, we don't attract many celebrities, so I wasn't about to let this one slip away. Anyhow, she lost her mind. I crossed the street, and suddenly heard my name being shouted from the other side of Broadway. Startled, I turned around and saw a rabid, mouth-foaming Renee Zellwegger leaning over the curb on the other side of the street, cursing my existence. It was a tad startling, seeing an Oscar winning actress screaming my name with such extreme passion and hatred. I figured I was probably one of about 3 people in the entire province that would have recognized her... or even cared. It was a legendary scenario for me to witness and to be a part of.
Anyhow... I guess my point is... she's nuts. And I'm "mad" at her for being such a wacko. And this simply can not be put into one of those "how would you like it" scenarios. I assure you ,I was probably one of about 6 people in Winnipeg to have taken a photograph of Ms. Zellwegger. She's just nuts. So I'm happy her movie is getting critically annihilated.

ak said...

No. Just, no. That woman is a whole world of no and the movie looks like crap.

Janice said...

On the other hand, Cory, did you ask if you could take a photo of her? A polite request might have gotten you further - or it might not.

Anonymous said...

renee zelwegger is a talented actress and her forte is comedy. we should all give her a chance to prove her mettle once again. it is not her fault she won an Oscar for Cold Mountain. come on. stop being so cruel.

Anonymous said...

This site is starting to sound like one of those websites that thrive on making fun of actors. Nat, you shouldn't encourage that. You are way better than that. I am not a fan of Renee, but I think ganging up on her in your site is not at all kind.


anon 5:19 i asked a genuine question. I wasn't saying: trash Renee Z in the comments!

Anonymous said...

My family comes from Minnesota, so the idea of the hick-stereotypes I know are in this movie makes me nauseous. So that's a don't see it from me.

Anonymous said...

Cory - Maybe Zellweger is tired of people assuming the privelege of taking pictures of her and things. Not that I'm saying that her reaction wasn't way over the top, but I've had times I've wanted to yell at people for little things when it gets to feel like everybody is lacking in basic respect, and it does make you crazy sometimes. So I'm not saying that her reaction was warranted, but I want to mitigate the dismissal of her as 'nuts' because of it. Or maybe she is nuts, I don't know.

Anonymous said...


You kinda have to. I would hate to see you become the sort who rails against performers without having the most recent evidence to work with.

gabrieloak said...

Life is too short. I don't want to waste my time on this junk. The last time I could stand her was in Bridget Jones.

Kurtis O said...

Unless you're running out of fuel for the fire, avoid at all costs, my friend:

Anonymous said...

renne is one of those acresses like sally field who will find great succes on tv when ther r 60,is she a lemon.

Glenn Dunks said...

I say "wait for DVD".

Christine, while it may insult you to hear it, but there indeed people who like the sort of movies you listed (whether they be 17, 28, 39 or 68) and they make money so they're not going to stop. 27 Dresses was actually quite nice (Marsden, Heigl and Judy Greer are all good) and for all we know He's Just Not That Into You is good too.


Anonymous said...

@Kamikaze Camel
I think that I object to the marketing more than the movies. "New In Town" may be great, but I don't like what the studio seems to think my demographic wants based on the commercials. I haven't seen 27 Dresses, so I prob. misjudged it based on the ads.

The more people who go to movies, every movie, any movie, the better as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I just want better commercials? :)

Anonymous said...

Also, I love Judy Greer; therefore, I may need to see "27 Dresses" now and eat my words.

Anonymous said...

Also, I love Judy Greer; therefore, I may need to see "27 Dresses" now and eat my words.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it! Run away! There is nothing good she can do! Do not underestimate the peachy yet horribly annoying powers of Ms. Z.

Anonymous said...

I saw it. Don't do it.

I'm all for giving an actor another chance, but this story was so hackneyed, it made last week's rom-com script "Last Chance Harvey" look fresh. At least, in Harvey, they expressed their feelings in private (and had two fabulous leads).

I NEVER want to see the leads kissing in a crowd and everybody claps, EVER again. Harry Connick Jr is so appealing, but it seems like every movie he makes is just crud.

This movie made me want to watch "Down With Love" again, for something with Renee and a bit of style.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say yes, but couldn't. This looks atrocious, Nathaniel. Save yourself and take a pass!

Evan said...

Do it, Nate! I agree with Carl-- you have to give her a chance... and besides, if it is truly terrible, horrendous, godawful, you can then write a scathing review to entertain us all.