A basic rule of life: If someone is cooking pancakes and asks you "funny shapes or rounds?" you always go for funny shapes. It keeps you young. And what's funnier shaped than the creatures of Guillermo Del Toro's filmography? Surprise your genre loving boyfriend /girlfriend/ spouse / family with a delicious breakfast of Panscakes!

It's going to be a looooong wait before The Hobbit arrives so you'll have to watch Pan's Labyrinth frequently for your Del Toro fix. Or eat Panscakes

For the tuft of hair and the beard I used coconut. You could also stick a knife in peanut butter and draw them on. If you find a way to make those spirally things above the raisin eyes, it'd be a pretty unmistakable Pan on your Panscake. That detail was too much for me.

The hand with the eye (courtesy of that grotesque Pale Man) is easier to make but harder to flip.

Your breakfast recipient will think you are the coolest most creative person ever. Either that or they'll run screaming at your complete transformation into über film nerd. [The Film Experience™ is not responsible for any breakups or carbs that may occur. -editor]
previously on Breakfast With...
Okay, the fact that I was reading this while Bargaining Pt 1 was playing freaked me out. In a good way of course, there can never be enough Tara in the world.
oh, my god.
those cakes are AH-mazing.
when i was a kid we just made mickey mouse shapes. (its hard to mess up 3 circles.)
so, when does the movie themed cook book come out?
and where is the captain vidal(now with slashed face!) flapjack? there's nothing like a little sadistic fascism in the morning!
these are phenomenal! craving panscakes now like nobody's business...
This shall be done this morning!
Oh Nathaniel, if you aren't just about the cutest thing...
Nat, have you seen this clip from Cheri yet?
I have
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