Adam of Club Silencio with a few post-Globe queries...
Does "Best Supporting Actress in a TV Drama" winner Chloë Sevigny know that the Hollywood Foreign Press actually gave an award to lesser known actress, Chloí Sevigny?
How many Weinsteins does it take to buy a nomination for Nine?
Is getting to hear "Thomas Jane, Hung" the sole reason he took that role? Reason enough to nominate him.

Glee and Modern Family can garner nominations after a half-season run, remembering that when the nominations were announced even fewer episodes had aired. Is Glee really about the wonder of "art's education," Ryan Murphy, or the wonder of voters' current TiVo playlists?

Is Drew Barrymore still playing Edie Beale? She truly is a staunch character.
Does Meryl "T-Bone" Streep know that Stanley Tucci murders little girls?
Did The Hangover really win Best Picture, or was that the effects of a hangover?
Could James Cameron's Avatar be topped at the box office by James Cameron's Avadah?
Is James Cameron a winner, or are we all winners for James Cameron being a winner?

Chlöe Sevigny won Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini-series or Film Made For Television.
Not Best Actress. Best Actress in a TV Drama went to Julianna Marguilles for The Good Wife.
Corrected, thanks. Though to be honest I had completely forgotten about Julianna Marguilles, as per usual.
:) You're welcome.
Anyway, good post ;)
james cameron is definitely a winner. but we are definitely not winners for him being a winner since he tends to hog the joy of it.
i am still SHOCKED that he praised Bigelow so kindly in his acceptance speech. she must be an awesome ex-wife.
i always forget all about Julianna Marguiles too because what's to remem
GLEE. the wonder of tivo indeed. But i still think Modern Family deserved it. Unless you're talking about the "rage stroke" episode of 30 Rock because that shit was bananas.
Glad Sandra won and happy for Avatar too. The movie is good and if you can make all that money, you should win.
James Cameron wishes he could digitally create a new race of people to applaud themselves for giving James Cameron an award.
James looks like a Parrot. Jeez, if they ever make a Mt. Rushmore of movie directors I hope to God they don't use his face. His chin totally looks like an old mans balls. E.W.W.W.
So, does Up in the Air even have a good shot at winning anymore?
I am so happy for Chloe Sevigny. Its lovely to see her get some awards recognition after she was robbed of that damn Oscar ten years ago. Toni Collette, too. The universe must have alligned to semi-compensate former Best Supporting Actress nominees who lost to Angelina Jolie.
Shame that the presenter ripped her dress though. It was a Valentino!
Sevigny just LOST it when that guy ripped her dress. It was all she was thinking about!
"...if you can make all that money, you should win."
Which is why the brilliant Michael Bay has been so cruelly snubbed by awards bodies in his career.
Sevigny needs to calm down about her dress. Like, really.
I think Glee will have more trouble at the Emmys. The Globes simply went populist, like always. It also explains Robert Downey Jr., The Hangover, and Avatar.
Is it too late for an Avatar backlash? Anyone?...
I wonder if Jane Adams had the same sense of pride when "Jane Adams, Hung" was announced...?? :)
The Golden Globes seemed like the last circle of women that Cinema forgot. Glenn Close, Jessica Lange, Joan Allen, Kyra Sedgwick, etc etc. Throw in Sally Field and yowza (thank god they've stopped nominating Brothers and Sisters, hopefully Emmy does the same).
And while Kathryn Bigelow didn't become the second woman to win a Golden Globe for Best Director, James Cameron did become the first lesbian so there were equal opportunity wins all around!
Oh and I was so happy for Mo'Nique, Toni and Chloe. I do think it is fitting that the woman who has given blowjobs on camera, starred in movies like Kids, American Psycho, Gummo and Boys Don't Cry should win her first ever major away for playing a mormon housewife.
So happy for "Mad Men" and Chloë. She totally deserves it. "Big Love" uses her to great effect, and even better for playing so against type. While she certainly is given the most juicy material on the show, she's also the most fun to watch. Love her more now that she's on my side in finding her husband Bill to be completely unlovable.
I love Chloe's reaction on stage. prove that she is still our fashion homegirl!
one thing is for certain, Mickey Rourke and Sandra Bullock are not BFFs
Question: Who're the two who presented the award to Chlöe Sevigny? (Sorry for my ignorance.)
Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars) and Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl) are the two who presented the award to Sevigny...
Nathaniel, you just wanted Katherine Bigelow to throw a shoe at James Cameron as part of your effort all season long to start a feud between them. Come to think of it, I want that now too.
Thanks, Jorge Rodrigues.
Instead of buying nominations, the Weinsteins should just buy Meryl Streep's acceptance speeches. Now there's a marketing strategy.
Ange -- good point!
ramification right?
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