We too can barely stand while looking at her. This is why audiences sit while watching movies; Movie star beauty makes us weak in the knees.
Movie stars included.
Cate Blanchett returns to your silver screen in just 22 days for Robin Hood. Are you excited or weary just thinking about it?
I am going to watch Robin Hood only because of her! I love Cate, she is one of the rare real beauties, although looking at her doesn't make me weary but rather relieved that finally, I can see a real, non-plastic woman :).
I'm actually more interested in Hanna, though because of Saoirse. But I also believe Blanchett will be more interesting there than in Robin Hood.
i'm not sure she is a good casting idea for "robin hood" but the movie seems epic
as much as i love cate, i really have no interest in robin hood. and i like the genre. netflix, here we come.
Whenever I try to recline like that my back hurts for a week... me = jealous.
Definitely excited. And it seems that you are too Nathaniel, since you're doing a countdown! Lets not forget that she will be displaying that beauty at the Croisette on opening night, just like in '08.
Oooo....excited. I really like her outfit with the pants and white shirt! And her shoes are super cute. (The black pumps) She's pretty.
Don't get me wrong - I love Cate Blanchett, but it's SOOO hard for me to remember that she is who she is...
For me she'll always be Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen, and seeing the last Tudor monarch in such sexy poses, personifying beauty and style of a modern-day woman, kind of makes my head spin and go like WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!?!?!
When I think of Blanchett I still think of "Oscar and Lucinda".
Do we really need yet ANOTHER version of Robin Hood? Well apparently somebody thinks it does. Hope it's much better than the last one...two...whatever.
I love Cate Blanchett. My favorites are Heaven and Notes From A Scandal. Hopefully Robin Hood won't be a total letdown, though as my expectation for that movie being what they are, it'd be hard.
It is not the kind of film I would expect to see her in nor one which I am interested in seeing her in.
I really cannot wait for Hanna, I have a very good feeling about it and love the photos of Cate as Marissa Wiegler that are on Internet already ;) it really smells like a very intriguing character!!! I'm trying not to have expectations for Robin Hood, we'll wait and see; so bored of Mr Crowe by the way.
She was a very weird choice, IMO, for Robin Hood, so I'm not thrilled about her part, but I am excited for the movie in general. :)
I'm with you, Nathaniel, on Cate - she can be good, but I'm not a huge fan. That being said, she does look terrific in Hanna.
I ♥ Cate! She's definitely one of the best actresses of her generation. To me, though, it seems like she belongs in another era (say, Hollywood's Golden Age). I guess that's why I'm always more fond of her anachronistic roles (Elizabeth, The Talented Mr. Ripley, and *gasp* The Aviator).
I still think she gets a bad rap for that performance. Could she have toned it down a bit? Maybe. But I thought it was genius just the same. Not too far off from what Meryl Streep might've done with it, I imagine.
It's true. Imagine how painful it is to live in NYC and to have missed Cate in STREETCAR. i don't know if I'll ever forgive myself!
OMG Nat, you look like a mafia boss in this shot! the caption..."I'm making you a blog you can't refuse."
Audrey Hepburn made this role impossible to watch with another actress. Even Olivia deHavilland. But I'm curious, anyway.
I feel cb is more loved by her peers than moviegoers!!! i also do'net fell she has the devotion that meryl commands or winslet.
Chris -- maybe that should be the next tagline of the blog!?
I completely agree that Blanchett looks like a Golden Age star. Her facial features are so strong and striking and even her acting style is a bit old fashioned. Of course she can do both, as I love her in the totally modern Heaven or Bandits, I`m Not There and Notes on a Scandal but she also excels at movie star performances as in Benjamin Button, which I think was her movie. What she did in those last 20 minutes were so much better than what Winslet or Streep did in their awarded performances, but The Golden Age backlash prevented her from getting that 6th nom. And even if The Golden Age sucked, I liked to think of that movie as Kapur, ready to film a scene, goes to Cate`s ears and whisper what he wants her to do and she does just that. It`s not a bad performance in anyway, but not Oscar worthy either.
Speak for yourself mrripley. I'm an avid movie goer and I adore the talents of Cate Blanchett! I also adore Meryl & Kate and feel they both bring brilliance to the table but I wouldn't dare claim they are better/worse than Cate. Talent is talent as far as I'm concerned. Period. I would attend a cliched recitation of the phonebook if it meant Cate, Meryl or Kate were starring!
I've been needing to see my girl Cate in a film for a long time now! Welcome back, Dame Blanchett! "Robin Hood" is probably a waste of her talents, but I'll take what I can get at this point.
Cate is the most stunning actress of the world. And the best actress, too. Cate, the Great.
I will never never in the rest of my life forget the magic she did in the fantastic nuance A Street Car Named Desire and directed by my own Liv Ullmann. Im so proud of Ullmann teaching Blanchett to be a better actress and working with her facial expression.
Watching that play was like seeing it for the first time and for me Blanchett has never been better. Hoping for a film version soon!
Im looking forward to Hanna as well.
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