If everyone looked as good as Michelle Pfeiffer just 8 months shy of their 50th birthday, nobody would ever complain about getting older. [Nitpickers please note: I realize celebrity shoots are fond of excessive photoshopping but I've seen this particular goddess in real life and the astounding beauty isn't manufactured]
I've had a rough summer so I am enormously grateful for whatever quirky shallow gene I got that allows me to be so instantly cheered and entranced by new pictures of a favorite star and simple two word phrases delivered like manna from heaven in a national magazine

When was the last time two words ever thrilled so?
* I swiped these photos from the great pfan site Gorgeous Pfeiffer which swiped them from Esquire. You should check it out if the summer of Susie Diamond's return has you doing happy dances in your bedroom. Oh come on, admit it. It ain't just me.
It's not just you. We've all been waiting for this for such long time. So keep the Pfeiffer posts coming. I hope it never ends.
I second that motion. Her triumphant return is as welcome as a Mint Julipe on a hot summer day.
thank you man!:)
but it's a bit disappointed that "Stardust" didn't get so well in the box office in US as good as we expected.
She's back ... but will she stay?
The two movies that are out have not done tremendous business ( Hairspray has but not because of Michelle ).
The other movie coming out with Paul Rudd worries me because of its history ... and the theme is not a popular one.
gee anon, way to rain on the parade
but yes that's always the concern with her. especially since they're renewing talk on Chasing Montana and that movie has never gone anywhere.
I am sorry ... I did not mean to rain on your parade... I enjoy your blog site and agree with practically every thing you have to say. .. I love that you love my two favorites MerylStreep and Natalie Wood. I meant nothing by comment ... maybe I am too realistic!!!???
no it's a valid question you're right.
but i'm not prepared to ask it just yet ;)
Michelle will stay.
The outpouring of love for this woman over the past month has been overwhelming. Every celebrity blog site that i have visited the past month has showcased pictures of her from her recent premieres and outings. These are harsh sites like Perez, tmz, popsugar, etc. And you know what? All of them have nothing but praise for Michelle. Even posters who usually bash regulars like Madonna, Britney, and Lindsay have nothing but love for this woman and her eternal beauty. All POSITIVE comments, at least 95% of them!
Now THAT'S impressive. Michelle deserves all the praise she gets!
It's stupid at this point to ask whether she will stay. Let's just enjoy the fact that's she's back, and leave it at that!!! We'll start posing the question of her staying power LATER!!! gee!
I don't think STUPID is the wrong word ... maybe irrelevant would have been a better word ( if you know what it means ).
No, i have no idea what irrelevant means. Please explain it to me dear sir.
NO need to be cruel just becaus ei misused a word. Gee.
"I don't think STUPID is the wrong word"
Oh, wait, you DON'T think stupid is the wrong word? yeah agree! That's why is used it!
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