Yes, Michelle Pfeiffer was honored yesterday with a star in Hollywood. It's about f***ing time. Pfans can now make the trek to Hollywood to polish the star, gaze at it in reverence, deem the stars next to it completely unworthy to be in its proximity, and then kneel down to take dozens of cheesy photos with it. (I've just described my next vacation ...don't judge)

Here are some more pix (thanks to Tina for sending me these and MK for thinking of me at the event. I really did intend to go --I haven't been to LA in too long --but the date was shrouded in secrecy until it was too late for poor New Yorkers to figure it out)

I wish I could have been there to cheer from the sidelines but even seeing the photos pfills me with happiness. A well deserved honor I'm sure you'll agree.
If you've stumbled upon this site by a link/search accident and you're still reading, there's more. You can search the Pfeiffer label below for recent postings or catch up on key Pfeiffer articles from the past or just look around --I love other things besides Michelle. Only not quite so much.
Catwoman Top Ten Line Readings
Top 10 "Actresses of the Aughts" she'd be higher but she hasn't worked in five years
Fabulous Baker Boys and the cinematography of Michael Ballhaus
Susie Diamond her post Makin' Whoopee monologue
Catch That Wave gearing up for La Pfeiff's comeback
Michelle Pfeiffer is... (character collage 91-02)
Michelle Pfeiffer is... (character collage 82-90)
Pfeiffer Pforever a Blog-a-Thon (34 participating blogs)
Pfandom rarely updated but trivia, galleries and reviews
tags: Michelle Pfeiffer
And she looks amazing.
We must never forget that she is a former beauty queen. Love it!
Awesome for her....but the fact Ryan Seacrest has one has damaged its reputation for me.
No Rurrrr, the fact that he got one before Pfeiffer proves it's worthlessness.
A great day for Michelle, and pfans worldwide!
I was shocked to learn that Michelle Pfeiffer didn't already have a star.
I mean, hello, Britney Spears has one!?!
Well, it seems that everyone can get one nowadays, not only real stars like Ms. Pfeiffer.
I'm just waiting for Paris Hilton to be "immortalized" there... *ugh
Those pictures are stunning. She looks more lovely than ever.
Ok, I'm not the huge Pfeiffer fan (although I think her perfs in Baker Boys and Batman were brilliant - and either one entirely Oscar-worthy) but this does take me by surprise. I mean, Nicole Kidman (my fave, by the way, so nothing untoward intended) got her's in 2003 JUST as she was coming into her own as an actress. I think you have to be nominated or something but - what gives? How do these things work? I know people usually seem to get these things right when a new movie is coming out (two in Pfeiffer's case - you must be over the moon right now, Nat) but still..
Well, she got one before Swank or Zellweger, right? (Somebody had to ask, on behalf of our fragile host.)
Actually, I'm pretty sure Swank and Zellwegger already have one.
I am a huge Pfeiffer fan as well yet she's a little dull in person. I just watched her interview on Inside the Actors Studio and she lacks a certain spark. Though perhaps she doesn't want to reveal too much of herself. And I remember how wan she was when she Twelfth Night on stage (when she was dating Fisher Stevens--how can that be?).
I think now that she's done two fun parts this year it's time for her to do something dramatically daring. But what will that role be?
I am shocked that Michelle didn't have a star on the Walk of Fame. What a shame!!!
And she looks amazing.
nick --the rumors of my fragility have been greatly exaggerated.
daveylow --well, yes, her greatest roles are onscreen rather than off. but that's the way it should be (for the most part)
and yes... now would be the time to strike with a couple of heavy dramas because a good portion of oscar wins are about momentum and that's such a problem for her. she quits every time she's ahead. sigh
@Nat: Even Superman has his Kryptonite, is all I'm saying.
@RuralJuror: I know this isn't what you meant, but I love the image of HS and RZ sharing a star, the better to perpetrate their anti-Nathaniel deeds...
Receiving a star on the walk isn't so much an honor as it is a request. It's usually done by a studio on behalf of a celebrity to promote upcoming projects. All it takes is a review by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and $25,000.
The more you know...
wickedscorp speaks true. but i think most people enjoy the collective delusion that they're "earned" ;)
I wonder if Pfeiffer doesn't really care about Oscar. Otherwise she would have been getting the high-profile roles that are offered to lesser talents.
You do get the impression that she isn't exactly desperate to act all the time. And perhaps she cares more about a stable personal life with her husband (couldn't she do better?) and kids than awards.
daveylow. yeah, that's the argument for actresses like Pfeiffer. but the weird thing to me is a movie takes what 4 months of your year tops. most people have to work 12 months a year and many of them find time to enjoy their families.
it's a greedy fan thing sure, but I am always curious about what people do when they don't work for 5 years. I mean... the kids are in school for the day you know? That's 60 months of free time to fill! ;)
Just saw Hairspray and absolutely loved it..... sad to say, both my wife and I think Michelle was the weakest link in the whole cast!! I went expecting to dislike John Travolta, but he certainly surprised me with his performance!
does anyone know where I can find Michelle's interview on Inside the Actors Studio online? Thanks
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