CNN details on that terrible terrible Jennifer Hudson relatives tragedy
Lilok Pelikula on the gay Thai Oscar entry Love of Siam
Blake Snyder "finding the spine" 5 questions for struggling screenwriters
Flickhead enjoys some early Angelina days with Foxfire
The Big Picture with more on Steven Soderbergh's bizarre directorial choices than JA was talking about yesterday
Gold Derby Synecdoche New York might make both "best" and "worst" lists come year's end
In Contention thinks Clint Eastwood will win Best Actor for Gran Torino
Coffee Coffee and More Coffee an open letter to IMDB on their 18th birthday
The Bad and the Ugly all those Dr. Imaginarium Heath Ledger photos
Wake Up Call, starring Emile Hirsch from ace norton on Vimeo.
Politics as unusual
David Sedaris "Undecided" I love this because I can't for the life of me figure how some people haven't made up their minds in this election
Gallery of the Absurd Talking Presidential Candidate dolls
Margaret and Helen an awesome letter and response
Reports from the Edge a typo my ass!
Grow a Brain "Camelot 2" unusual Obama linkage
Love of Siam is not a great film, but it's extremely moving and heartfelt Most of goodness are not even from the love between two boys, it's a great ensemble.
That's horrible I can only imagine what Jennifer is going through. I hope the Oscars bloggers stop bashing her now which was immature to begin with.
Aww, but I love your links. Though I guess I can understand if you are too busy and stuff.
I've found so many amazing links through this feature though!
Welcome back. The guest bloggers were fun, but there's nuthin' quite like Mr. R.
No more linkies? Awww. I appreciate it takes a lot of time for what, I guess, must seem like hardly any reward. But I have to second Glenn, I've found many an interesting piece through your efforts.
Anyway, man do I love David Sedaris! I went to see him read earlier this year. My sister and I were sitting in the front row and before the reading began, the man himself walked straight past us. We actually squealed aloud and grabbed each others hands like he was Brad Pitt or someone! He was so funny and incredibly generous with his time. Love him.
well it's just something i'm thinking of dropping. this is basically a full time job that i still haven't figured out a way to make even minimum wage part time wages off off. ha ha
anybody else woulda quit by now.
Wake Up Call ... as if you NEED an excuse to watch Emile Hirsch slouch around for a few minutes. Yum.
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