I'll repost on Wednesday with the winning entry.
P.S. When I was a little kid I totally dreamed of being an animator. And you know what fairy tale I wanted to make since Disney wasn't doing it? You guessed it. God, I hope this one is good. It opens next Thanksgiving or thereabouts.
I have just done a post on this too. It seems that Disney are going to have a busy year with the princess and the frog, Toy Story 3, the prince of persia and now this at the end of the year, which are all Disney releases.
Here is what I had to say by the way - http://ultimatereviews.co.uk/?p=227
"Disney re-uses Brothers poster design to minimal effect."
Don't think I didn't see you staring at Mo'Nique's ass, as she walked up to get her award.
No caption. Just a series of tiny orgasms at the art style.
Not got a funny caption for the picture, just an observation: from the facial expressions and Rapunzel's stance, it looks like Disney are going for grown-up snark and cynicism again with this one rather than childish innocence and romance. I miss the days of 'Beauty & The Beast' :(
"This will only work if you gag me"
"I'm telling you baby. She's just a friend"
"I don't know where Spiderman is!! Let me go!"
Prince: Release me baby, put your hair up in a bun.
Rapunzel: When it comes to love, if it's not rough it isn't fun.
I think I said this before, but there's this picture in rottentomatoes in the picture gallery (pic #9)for Rapunzel in which one of the animators is photographed with sketches of the movie in the back and next to them a pinned picture of Michelle Pfeiffer on the wall. I wonder if they drew Rapunzel after her?
@Cristhian: I read a while back that Rapunzel was to be modeled after the painting "The Swing" by Jean-Honore Fragonard.
Interesting about Pfeiffer, though.
"But I already saw the drapes."
Okay I get it, no bangs.
"No, please, let me explain! 'Hair of the dog...' means something else entirely!"
"All I said is that maybe you could try wearing shoes."
Wish it was Ms. Chenoweth doing the voice work though.
Rapunzel: "I sent you to the supermarket to buy me ONLY a gallon of shampoo, and you FORGET IT!"
Prince: "Uhmm? Sorry?" :)
R: "You slept with that Crystal Gayle bitch again, didn't you?"
Though I bow down to Michael Parsons.
My first reaction upon seeing this was 'Oh god! A-shrewish-woman type and a simpering-man-type. ' If I could make a witty caption out of that, I would, but I'm not very witty.
Gonna have to second the Michael Parsons love. Either that or The Know Nothing At All's
"Honey, don't you think you need to lay off the Garnier Fructis for a little while?"
Prince-"Honey, could you please get a hair cut? You know how it makes me feel uncomfortable in bed. Pretty please?"
Rapunzel- "I said this is NOT a matter for conversation."
Prince: Listen, No really, you don't need to be upset. I still think you are attractive and you're not the one who turned me gay.
Prince: "Oh crap, I forgot the safe word!"
"My apologies for calling you a hair-brained twit!"
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