I'm taking a blogless vacation next week (there'll be guest bloggers to entertain -their identities TBA). In order to not collapse trying to come up with stuff to talk about this final week before the break, I needed a theme. Given her current ubiquity, Ms. Johansson came immediately to mind. Let's gaze at Scarlett. Drink her up from every conceivable angle.

Stay tuned for discussions of
The Black Dahlia, a memo to casting directors, Scarlett co-star tangents and more. To kick off the festivities please
vote in the new poll regarding her best performance. Which is it? Will it be a
Translation landslide?
Scarlett Johansson,
I do love me some Scarlett..
Even though I love her performance in 'Translation' (watched it again the other night for the first time since 03 and -- wow) but my heart (and vote) go to Girl with a Pearl Earring. She was just perfect. The sad thing is that nothing she has done since has come close to her work in those two films (or Ghost World). I'm hoping that she knocks me out in Scoop, The Prestige and the Black Dahlia, so that I can catch Scarlett fever all over again.
You know, you could've done Hugh Jackman week just as easily... but Scarlett week is just fine with me.
I voted LiT without much fuss. Seemed like the obvious choice. It doen't hurt that LiT is far and away her best film either. I guess Girl w/a Pearl is a pretty close second, though.
It really was tough deciding between Translation, Ghost World and Girl With A Pearl but I did indeed choose Lost in Translation.
Can't wait for The Black Dahlia (as my blog makes abundantly clear) and The Prestige.
The best part of my NYC trip last month to find a job/apartment was running into Scarlett on 40th Street :)
Here's hoping my life in NYC is full of those moments.
Best film performance... hmm, hard to say, since she's always the same.
GHOST WORLD is her best performance. LIT is terribly overrated IMO, though I could just feel that way because I find Bill Murray to be unfunny, annoying, boring and a complete asshole
oh I love this girl... shes sooo sexy, and such a talented actress... her best performances? "match point" "lost in translation" and "girl with a peal earing" but "girl" is her best.
Translation for me. Ghost World 2nd.
I like to think her Lost in Translation character is her Ghost World character just a few years later.
In honor of Scarlett Johansson week, can I just say that I just saw Scoop, and it's really not that bad at all? Rotten tomatoes rating below 40%? What? Not the second coming, but not a bad movie at all. fyc: Scoop for most underappreciated movie of the year.
i heard recently that scarlett was going to be the spokesperson for reebok in 2007...for sporty female look.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
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