Right away I'm confused because the box features a woman that's like an ugly mall version of the legendary Susan Sarandon. ohmygod, it is Susan Sarandon. I hope someone was fired for approving that video cover. To add insult to Susan's injury, the packaging/marketing team spelled the films own name wrong on the back of the box "Irresisitible" (the emphasis is mine) --d'oh! I put the movie down quickly and bolted to another aisle, feeling the urge to shower.
As soon as I got back to a computer I had to wipe the fugly Sarandon doppelganger from my mind's eye by staring at this picture.

Ahhhhh. She's still got it. So I repeat: Some nameless person should be fired. And someone else --someone far more famous-- should pick her next project more carefully.
Yeah, but Irresistable also has Emily Blunt, which automatically makes it awesome.
I think I heard somewhere that she was great in it... maybe on her IMDB message board.
isn't that some crappy aussie flick? it hasn't been released down here (in any format)
Yeah, it is an apparently quite atrocious Australian movie that Susan Sarandon, Sam Neill and Emily Blunt all decided to make for some reason.
I remember there was a brief ruckus in Melbourne because she was down here filming it and then the film never got released. It was supposed to be out in October but I think that's been cancelled.
Hopefully you are still glancing in on this page nathaniel, cause I have found something you may or may not have yet to see. i am sure it is new it me:
prolly gonna have to split it up
much better
How about some of you dopes seeing IRRESISTABLE before you rubbish it?
I saw the film tonight and we all thought that it to be an excellent thriller in all respects. It goes out here in Sydney in October and I do believe that it will do well at the box office. Susan is great in it, and there is a great supporting cast, direction, photography, music and all - see the film before you knock it!!!
Kind Regards,
John L.
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