Defamer Ed Harris's hissy fit in Heathrow
Hollywood Elsewhere thinks celebrity fans should sell Once to moviegoers. Hmmm.
ModFab Fall Movie Preview
Suzanne Brockmann wins dinner with Joss Whedon
My New Plaid Pants has this series "Thursday Kills" which is rllllly gross but it's also kinda brilliant. I hate it when other bloggers come up with awesome series that I didn't think of first Grrrrrrr. If he weren't my friend, I'd hate him ;)
IFC a list: "50 Greatest Sex Scenes" in the movies. I haven't finished reading it but if Late Marriage isn't on the list I'm going to f***ing freak. I'm already steamed (and not in the good way) it wasn't in the top 10
Times Online Ken Russell's hilarious top ten of all time speech. It makes one yearn to sit in his classroom.
Love the links, Nat. Keep em coming.
I always visit at least one of them.
I appreciate them too, and have followed them to all sorts of goodies that I wouldn't otherwise have seen.
Yeah, don't have patience for all of them, but I always check out at least a couple. Good stuff.
For example now, the Ed Harris piece was fun to read (love how Defamer always brings it back to the Oscars somehow).
And the ModFab list has got me all excited for autumn/winter. And in the comments of that page, I found a link to an article on The Guardian blog about Atonement and the best single shots in British cinema... http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/film/2007/08/film_weekly_meets_joe_wright_a.html
More Atonement/Keira raving. Love it.
Nat, totally off-topic, but could you be so kind and re-check the latest Actress Psychic points update? It seems as though, apart from Blethyn, Hathaway, Lopez and Roberts, all the ladies earned either too few points or even none at all.
Thanks for the linkage and the complimentary statements on the series, Nat!
And we both know you don't have the stomach for doing this sort of series, so no jealousy allowed! ;-)
Appreciate the link, Nathaniel! And Thursday Kills is really wonderfully inspired.
luke --can you explain? i don't see what's wrong but you obviously have something in mind.
It's easier to see than to explain. :) If you have a copy of the totals from before the last update, compare them with the current ones on the site. Quite a few people's score hasn't changed despite their choosing actresses listed in your August 5th update.
For example: Manuel and Gerard were tied in the lead with 9 points each, right? And now they still have 9 each, although Jolie, Streep and Cotillard should have brought them additional points.
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