A movie absurdity I totally understand...

William Hurt smashing his way through a plate glass window to get into Kathleen Turner's skirt in Body Heat (1981). Damn straight.

and not just for the usual 80s nostalgia reasons (she remains my favorite actress from the 80s whose initials aren't MS or MP). She's on my brain because of a freelance article I am working on for another site --I'll link up when it goes live but I think you'll love --and because I am desperate to get my hands around a copy of Send Yourself Roses, her autobiography in which she disses all sorts of people who have no business still being famous. If I have to smash through the windows of Barnes & Noble tomorrow to get one, I will. I could be sensible and order it online but in moments of passion, who can think straight?
previous 'Hump Day Hotties'
Russell "H.W." Harvard , Carice Van Houten is a star and Beautiful Decay of Helena Bonham-Carter
vintage turner iz da sex!
And may you get a podcast session with her next. :)
I would probably die of star-shock were that to happen.
24 years of fandom combusting inside of me. it might hurt.
If there was ever someone in desperate need of a comeback, it would be Turner. We want you Kathleen-why can't you (or probably more importantly, the studio bosses) hear our pleas?
I just want to hear her voice again. People made me feel guilty growing up for liking her because of her voice.
remember when she answered the phone in "Peggy Sue" and it was her grandmother? that & the jimmy stewart / donna reed shared call are my two favorite movie phone scenes of all time.
Awh, for a second I thought this was gonna be a segway into you announcing your Best Sex Scene nominees.
(Speaking of Best Sex Scene, I'm totally FYI-ing Freddy Rodriguez and Rose McGowan's "Missing Reel" sex scene from Planet Terror.)
I love the image of you smashing through the windows at Barnes & Noble! Would be well worth it, from the sounds of it...
I love this actress and have done so ever since I was a little wee boy in the nineties. But the one role that sticks out from my childhood is her role as Chandler's Dad. Classically hilarious.
//remember when she answered the phone in "Peggy Sue" and it was her grandmother? that & the jimmy stewart / donna reed shared call are my two favorite movie phone scenes of all time.//
I do actually - but I hadn't thought about it in a very long time, thank you Jimmy!
I too grew up loving the sound of her voice. And, having lupus, I'm glad she's speaking up about her RA (the two conditions are related) because I can relate to what she wrote about the illness in the excerpt I read online (thanks for the links, Nat.)
My favorite online excerpt thought was when she talked about Burt Reynold's inability to remember his lines during shooting: "Why don't we shoot this line by line?"
"Because it's called a scene?"
Such brilliance.
A podcast doesn't seem entirely out of the realm of possibility, does it (ah, to hear her voice again!) The 'net and the blogosphere is where it's at now, baby, and surely a savvy woman such as herself would understand the sales boost for her book on a site where we're already feeling the love for her?
I am living for that book. I never got over Kathleen leading William Hurt around by his manhood.
when the hello dolly does the book come out? is she doing "today," "oprah", etc??? OMG....do you think she'll be doing book signings??? In DC???
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