- Atonement ~Hampton does McEwan
- Into the Wild ~Penn wanders with Krakauer
- No Country For Old Men ~The Coen Bros worship at the pen of Cormac McCarthy
- There Will Be Blood ~ P.T.A from Upton Sinclair
- Zodiac ~Vanderbilt dissects Graysmith
The Online Film Critics Society have also spoken. Their Best Picture list, quite sturdy, comes down to these (nearly identical) five...
- Atonement ~directed by Joe Wright
- Juno ~ directed by Jason Reitman
- No Country For Old Men ~ directed by the Coen Bros
- There Will Be Blood ~ directed by Paul Genius Anderson
- Zodiac ~ directed by David Fincher

Points to the OFCS for their "breakthrough performer" list, too: Blonsky -Hairspray, Hansard -Once, Riley -Control, Van Houten -Black Book, Wei -Lust, Caution; not a single one of those performances isn't worth applauding and putting on your "to see" list right now. Seriously, load up that Netflix queue. The big disappointment for me in their nominated lineups: looks like I'll still be the only one to deny the lie of Casey Affleck as a "supporting" actor. [seriously people... if he's that good --just boot somebody out of Best Actor and make room for him -ed.]
go Atonement!
I really need to see Juno, NCfOM and there Will Be Blood.
I need to see...like everything.
But Glen Hansard! It's been a long, long time since I so totally fell in love with a performance and performer as I did seeing Once.
The Casey Affleck thing is bugging me almost more than the Jamie Foxx thing-at least that year one could make the (ridiculously weak) argument that they wanted to nominate him for both. Here, they have no such excuse (and he may be onscreen even more than Foxx was in Collateral!)
As for the Scripters, substitute Away From Her in for Into the Wild, and you've got who I'd be voting for at the Oscars. Also, am I the only one who thought that the script to Into the Wild was perhaps its weakest link? Some great perfs, fine direction, interesting song score, but the script (and particularly those insufferable Evan Rachel Wood monologues) was definitely not its greatest strength.
Also, though a bit off topic (though is anything Oscar-related ever really off-topic here), but is anyone else shocked that HP5 and Spidey-3 are not on the Visual Effects shortlist, but Evan Almighty is. I have no problem with Spidey getting dumped (though I at least think it should have been in the Top 7 for this category), but HP5 would have gotten a nod from me, so I'm disappointed there.
I really hope that Sarah Polly gets nominated for her screenplay for Away From Her, actually if we are wishing I wish she would get nomminated for direction but screenplay is a safer bet.
I've seen Zodiac appear in a lot of year-end lists and awards such as this. Is there any chance it rallies back into Academy consideration for any categories?
hmmm, No Offense to you guys , but don't you get tired of talking about the same movies after 3 months? Maybe I just have a short attention span and would rather move on to talking about summer 2008.
Off topic, but the BAFTA longlist has been announced. And Amy Ryan has finally been passed over. But yet again Casey Affleck has been considered supporting.
but then what would we talk about in summer 2008? by then we'd have talked about the summer movies for 6 months. ;)
and besides half of these movies just came out. why move on yet?
Anon 4.50 - Amy Ryan was ineligible, I believe, because Gone Baby Gone had it's release postponed due to that girl being kidnapped in Portugal or whatever.
Also, I quite like the OFCS. They nominate stuff like Zodiac for best picture when the BFCA - critics who in top ten lists seem to think it's a top three movie - wont because it isn't getting near Oscar's best picture lineup.
Also, the Scripter awards both the screenplay and the book so you gotta take that into consideration. The book that Into the Wild is based on is cherished by many.
Oh, but Michelle Pfeiffer is in the shortlist for both Hairspray and Stardust. Niiiice.
1. No Sunshine? Visual Effects list is crap.
2. FWIW, Nathaniel, short story adaptations ARE eligible (former nominees include Brokeback Mountain and The Illusionist). However, both the original work and the film must be in English to be eligible.
3. Affleck is not supporting. End of story. It makes just as much sense to push him for best supporting actress (what, do you think sister Garner would've been that good without his coaching! I jest, love me some Garner, don't kill me fanboys).
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