We haven't played a movie mash-up game in a long time (
remember that from last year?) so allow me to throw
Eastern Promises 2 at'cha. Over at
the big site you can vote on your favorite scenario/co-star. [Strictly for entertainment purposes you understand. I don't actually want endless sequels -ed] If you don't see one you like or you'd care to detail the plot that won your imagination, you can always let loose in the comments. And I promise that I will soon be done posting about 2007 movies. I mean, how many more times can I say Viggo's name before Oscar season is up... 2? 7? 23?
I think I would actually pay to see Spawn of Juno. Yes, actually, I would.
I'm glad I haven't yet seen Eastern Promises, cause now I can just imagine what it is Viggo is doing in that picture, instead of knowing the (probably less exciting) reality.
Go ahead Nat, let it ALL out. You know you want to.
Russia Je T'aime was tempting but I voted for Margot at the restaurant - Margot's barbs and Nickoli's knives? Too funny - and probably a draw but I'll still put my money on Margot.
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