When I've asked for requests / opinions about the site in the past, I've been told by more than one reader that they enjoy me just following my muse herein. That's a truly lovely thing to hear and it's much appreciated. But this time
I'm digging for specifics about what you most like and don't cotton to, etc...

For those who like me to surprise them, I'm hardly one to abandon my muse based on stats or polls. So don't worry. This blog won't get rigid. For example: I'm gonna be talking about Michelle Pfeiffer until I die, no matter how uninterested the rest of y'all may be. The idea of this survey is just that it will help me hone what I'm already doing now or maybe give me more ideas when I'm having less inspired weeks, etc...
So take the survey readers. Do it for me!
P.S. Thank you to Gabriel for
this prompt.
Guess who's the Uruguayan ;)
You mentioned nothing about past film bitch awards, but those are way up there on the list for me... like maybe 94/95...
And are you ever gonna finish the "100 movies I think of when I think of movies" thing with comments on all of them, etc? There's been some kind of backdoor link to the full list for awhile now, but I want to know WHY they are where they are.
I AGREE 100% with Adam!!!!!
Past Film Bitch Awards get my adrenaline sky rocketing!!!!!!
And while I know Nathaniel’s made them “OFFICIAL” for 2000 and beyond only , I wish he’d be a tad more clear cut with his Gold, Silver and Bronze. What can I say? I just find it fascinating who a cinematic scholar like Nathaniel found most worthy in their respective years.
i'm not sure i get what you mean about clear cut. It's official from 2000 on. I don't change them even when I want to. So, what is the unclear part?
or are you saying you wish there were expanded awards from previous years?
He probabl means, like, for example, in 1982, you said Dustin and Ben were your two favorites, but who actually got the gold!? All we get is a picture of the two of them with gold lining. You've complained about the biopic factor synching it for Ben as Gandhi, but would your personal result have been any different?
And, like, in 1983 you say the best actresses were Streep and the Terms of Endearment girls, but who was the BEST? Streep, MacLaine, or Winger? We want actual awards, not impressions. Well, I'm OK with impressions, but I'm pretty sure that's what Ryan means.
And I personally would really like to see your comments on your favorite 100 films list.
Also, you definitely had full 1999 awards at one point. Where did they go?
Apparently since then, Annette has overtaken Julianne for (at least) the bronze medal, and Haley Joel has been bumped up to lead, among other things.
I miss the Cinematic Shame awards. The ones from 2000 when you ripped Hayden Christensen for talking about mascara and other such things. I've found links to your older ones, but you stopped doing it. It makes me sad :(
And I would love a Top 100 movies (all time or you faves from 2000 on) also, but I know that would take even longer.
BTW, I'm the lover San Angelo guy.
I miss the same awards, too!!!
Yeah, why'dja stop doing those? Sad.
*shame awards
Start working on your personal top 100 canon again!
OK. calm down ;)
dustin gets the gold in 82 for Tootsie
The 100 movies list will resume once I'm sufficiently rested from the actor countdown. You have made yourself heard.
re: the "shame" awards --the only response I ever got to them was hate mail ;) (seriously) this is the first I'm hearing that people liked to read them. but I hadn't stopped doing them so what do you all mean?
here's 2005 and 2004.
The 100 Canon would be a great thing to do again. And the awards! Yes.
Am I missing something with "Good Vs Evil"? What is this feature? Is my brain falling out?
good vs evil is not really regular but it does pop up now and then. the last one was... i forget.
and i'm realizing with the "shame" awards that they aren't really liinked up always from the main awards page... the reason many may have missed them. so when i do the site reboot, relaunch *yeah, i HAVE TO shut down and restructure soon --its' so unwieldy* i will try to fix all of these hard to navigate quirks.
if i shut down it for a revamp it will either be in August prior to the prestige season or in March (post-Oscars) i'll keep you up to date.
Whatever will we do?!
Crap! That didn't come right. Sorry- wrote too fast.
I only meant your retro Film Bitch Awards. Like in say- 99. You obviousley went for Law and Crusie. But who came out on top? (Please not Tom) And who got the bronze. Does that make sense?
I'm a newbie to the blog scene. but so far, yours is the one i'm checking the most. so good job and keep it up, ;)
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