Brokeback got the readers good. Neither of those cowboys made my top ten list but it wasn't for lack of love --just timing. My conversion to both was fairly recent and this list reflected six years of moviegoing. But for all our differences readers agreed with me a little bit more on the actors: six men are on both lists but the actress list was only a 50% match. Sean Penn and Russell Crowe's much higher placement with readers doesn't surprise me at all. With Penn, I didn't see the volume of work I needed (and you have to subtract points for I am Sam --you really do) and Crowe's taste in middlebrow Oscar chasers is a problem for me (not to mention the phone throwing) but let's not reopen old wounds. I get it --their high placement I mean. My least popular top ten'er? Daniel Craig. The only explanation for his lack of a hardcore following simply has to be that people haven't seen his films. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
If you're just joining us, here is the whole lengthy journey for the top 100 men and women (for the films of 2000-2005 only)
personally, i felt we needed a little hugh jackman on there, but no worries. at least you acknowledged that law, despite his "overabundance" in 2004, is still amazingly talented and can act the socks off of most up-and-comers in the hollywood realm.
and speaking of jackman...
YEAH. i'll let you bask in the glory of it all.
I love your love for Daniel Craig. I expect the rest of the gays to rally behind him after they see Casino Royale (the trailer? ugh.)
I haven't seen The Mother or Enduring Love or Sylvia so I can't say he'd even be in my Top 100 (but people you didn't get the chance to see such as Chiwitel Ejiofor would be Top 15 for me). That and I thought he was bad in Munich.
Speaking of chewy (ejiofor) it is criminal that he dosent feature on your lists. I read your explanation, but it is still criminal. At least the love for the other brits jude etal makes up for that oversight.
Well, it is pretty hard to include someone who he had never seen. Although it still puzzles me why he hasn't seen Dirty Pretty Things? Oscar nomination and all.
I know I know,... I'm hoping he'll be catching up on all his films soon.
I actually became a fan after seeing him on the london stage, it was an incredible perfomance (Blue/Orange) for which he succeeded Mr Gyllenhaal in winning the coveted Evening Standard Award.
I can't wait to see more of these two!
i had only seen ejiofor in serenity before making the list. (have seen him in kinky boots and inside man since. i will eventually get around to dirty pretty things
The absence of Philip Seymour Hoffman from either list (let alone not being in the top 5) invalidates both of these lists.
I think we've discussed the reasons for Hoffman's exclusion enough times for people to know.
(And neither do I, for what it's worth. I never did understand the love for that man.)
you can't invalidate a list of someone's 'favorites'
but anyway... readers couldn't *add* actors so I take full and total blame ;)
Hi, I am new to your blog but so far have been enjoying it very much. I like your top ten much better than your readers'. You have great taste (hehe if only because it's closer to mine -- Law is creme a la creme). I haven't seen enough of Tony Leung to place him (only saw him in Mood and maybe one of the Hongkong shootout flicks where I don't remember him at all); but as much as I love Mood, he was so much the fatalist there -- no inner life, you know?, whereas Maggie Cheung just stole the show. Daniel Craig? Ick. Just looking at him turns me off.
Keep up the good blogs!
I don't like PSH much either, but that blob of a mess was quite good in Capote and I thought he was funny in Cold Mountain ("The Israelites!"). And, how can the haters not enjoy him getting set afire and pushed down the street in a wheel chair in Red Dragon? :)
Still, he comes off as kind of pretentious ... and kind of forgettable too. I just checked his credits and I forgot he was in Almost Famous, State and Main, Ripley and Magnolia. All I remember is he was the romantic lead in State and Main and he was okay, the others, I draw a blank.
As far as the rest of his performances, I've never seen Flawless, I thought he was appropriately creepy in Happiness and did good work in Boogie Nights (his breakout role).
Aack, pardon my French. I meant creme de la creme.
Hoffman was indeed quite excellent in Capote. His other 2000-2005 perfs never grabbed me though. I did like him in The Talented Mr Ripley and Happiness, but they were out of the eligability period for the countdown anyway.
How about Hoffman in Owning Mahoney and Love Liza? both were after 2000.
I love Daniel Craig, but you can only vote for one person so...
(I voted for Ewan)
the list was shi.. were is al pacino or robert de niro or marlon brando
u missed out the greatest ones and what the fu... is jude law doing on the first place u shoulld be embarassed of yourself
WTF? No De Niro???
I would love to hear your resoning behind the omission of these REAL actors- Gary Oldman, Alfred Molina, Geoffrey Rush, Brendan Gleeson, Ian Hart, Michael Wincott, Harry Dean Stanton, Kenneth Branagh, Hugo Weaving, Robert Carlyle, Elias Koteas, Stephen Rea, John Hurt, David Thewlis, Giovanni Ribisi, James Caviezel, Tim Curry, Sam Rockwell, Bill Nighy, Rufus Sewell, F. Murray Abraham, M. Emmett Walsh
yours is the most perfectly written piece and description of jude law. you've hit everything on the nail. his beauty gets in the way of his true amazing talent. the audiences perception of him is so inaccurate. he is a modest and sweet man. everybody who works with him or knows him attests to that. perhaps the holiday will remedy that because he is priceless in it and sweet. thank you for supporting jude law.
ok....this really suck....
first... this is shit
second... who's that Jude Law??
and third... you really fucking dont know about movies...
shitty list.
if we are speaking on talent alone and not success..
daniel day-lewis is clear cut #1.
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