You know how I said there were no good pics of this Matthew Vaughn adaptation of the Neil Gaiman book online yet? Well, Aint It Cool News has relieved the drought with a set visit and everything.
Here is a photo of Michelle Pfeiffer as Lamia, one of an evil sisterhood of witches (but she's the only one with a real storyline). My heart is racing...

If she's fab, I certainly would hope so, but remember it's a fantasy film, and even one as acclaimed (and rightly so) as 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy didn't garner any acting Oscars and only one nomination, so it's a long-shot by way of the genre. Let's hope one day AMPAS will gets its head out of its collective ass and give Pfeiffer the Oscar she would have had long ago.
Yeah, I am not expecting any oscar play for her here.
But I am still excited. And so is Nat, clearly (why don't you nix the waiting and just give her the FB award for best villain right now?).
Oh my God. I am off to read this book.
obsessions are pretty justified with film stills as spectacular as that one.
How can she, like, not AGE?!
i think it's called plastic surgery ;)
still i loves ya Michelle ma belle
*teensy but not major SPOILER***
also the characters age in the book is fluid so i'm sure there may be some makeup/cgi business going on with her face.
hmm, you really think Michelle has had surgery? I tend to think not, despite some people thinking her nose looks different, and she does have quite a few lines around her eyes in close up pics of her recently, isn't the whole point of botox and plstic surgey to get rid of lines, etc?.
she has denied it many times, even though jealous bitches like Debra Winger and that annoying Patricia Heaton have made snide remarks about her having surgery(Heaton made up a story about meeting with Michelles plastic surgeon on Letterman a couple years ago, and basically called Michelle a liar, Heaton later recanted and said she was just trying to be funny)
I hate Patricia Heaton. She's got nothin' on the REAL Patty (i.e. Clarkson) and nothin' on Pfeiffer either.
I don't think Pfeiffer has had anything serious done, or if she has, it was damn good work, so who cares. But there are a million ways you can maintain your youth now if you have money. I'm sure she has a stash of youth serums, goes to spas, does the revitalight, the peeling, etc. and maybe even botox, but she looks great, so whatever.
Surely Nat was kidding. Michelle is stunning, no doubt, probably still the most beautiful woman alive, but she does have wrinkles which are clearly visible in "real life" pics, and like someone said before, isn't the point of plastic surgery to get rid of them? She's 48, looks a natural 40, but not less than that; doesn't seem artificial to me.
She looks unreal in this pic, though, in a good way. There may be a bit of CGI at work, yeh.
i would prefer to think she hasn't had work done but, yes, it is the nose that is making me think she has. It looks different to me now and I don't like it as much (this is post White Oleander in photoshoots so maybe it's just weird photos -- I hope it's just weird photos because I always thought she had the greatest nose ever)
I personally think she has had surgery, but I think the fact that it's so debatable means it was good plastic surgery, and thus I approve. It's only a negative if it's bad plastic surgery (Meg) or you get so much of it that you start to look like an alien (Nicole).
Anything to get Michelle back on the cinema screen is fine by me.
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