Hey Film Experience readers - it's MK from over at popbytes! Mr. Nathaniel was so sweet to ask me to be a guest blogger here while he is off on a much needed vacation - it's been a crazy week in the wacky world of gossip so I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner but I thought this new film about Truman Capote opening in October called Infamous (...yes another TC flick!) would be a perfect fit here on FE! The cast is incredible - G. Paltrow, S. Weaver, and I. Rossellini amongst others like hottie Daniel Craig! I must shamefully admit to never having seen the other Capote flick with the always amazing Philip Seymour Hoffman so to mix it up I will watch this new one first and then go back and catch Mr. Hoffman's Oscar-winning portrayal of the infamous writer! Oh I can smell a college comparison/contrast essay brewing somewhere...Anyways I'm out for now and I promise to try and check back here soon! Rock & blog on...xxoo!
PS Make sure to watch the trailer below - the film does look great! I love the tagline at the end There is more to the story than you know...
Infamous Opens October 13, 2006
What starts out as the humorous journey of the openly gay writer Truman Capote as he moves through the elegant circles of Manhattan’s sophisticated cafe society, turns darker as he becomes increasingly consumed by a murder case...
Written and Directed by: Douglas McGrath
Cast: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Daniel Craig, Peter Bogdonovich, Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, Gwyneth Paltrow, Isabella Rossellini, Juliet Stevenson and Sigourney Weaver
» Watch the Infamous trailer
small | medium | large (quicktime - my personal favorite!)
Is it me or does that look like virtually the same movie with a different cast and a darkly comic spin?
that trailer sucked. this looks bush league, and those costumes are fucking hideous!
this was pure Oscar bait for Bullock, poor girl
I feel sorry for the cast of this movie (not Toby Allen though). You've got Bullock, Weaver, Craig, Paltrow, Rossellini and Daniels amongst others and it's just gonna be endlessly compared to Capote. I wasn't the biggest fan of Capote - twas a bit dry for my liking. This one actually looks a bit less stoic, but (and it's a big giant J.Lo sized but)... Toby Allen looks AWFUL.
I'm not a Hoffman fan at all, but he got Truman just right. This Allen guy seems to have just put on a hideously feminine and worst of all WHINEY AND NASAL voice.
"Well everyone knows thaaat"
I'm sorry, but was that Toby Allen for Fran Drescher?
u should never feel sorry for Gwyneth...that bitch =)
I don't know why I kept calling him Toby Allen. That's a guy from Australian boy band Human Nature!
(I love me some Gwyneth)
I must say though that while a lot of it looks a lot like Capote (even some of the camera angles of scenes) there appears to be more of Capote's life in New York, which is probably why it doesn't look as cold and I-DON'T-WANT-TO-BE-LOVED as Capote was.
I was intrigued by the preview. I remember seeing/hearing the preview for Capote last year, and thinking, Oh no, it's gonna be a joke, but it wasn't at all. At the very least, it could have great supporting performances. I thought Clifton Collins, Jr., was terrific as Perry Smith in Capote, but Daniel Craig could be even better. He played tortured criminal pretty effectively in Love Is the Devil.
I thought the trailer was hilarious (literally). I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
This Toby Jones guy is simply unwatchable.
I loathed "Capote". It took what could've been a fascinating take on a man's psyche and made it into a tedious, trying snail-paced bore while also rendering its main character into an unsympathetic, infuriating walking contradiction.
This film looks to correct all that, and I personally hope so. I find the idea of sacrificing people for your art fascinating (a technique also used in Bergman's brilliant 'Through a Glass Darkly') and this film looks to make Capote's sacrifice as heartbreaking as it should be.
Plus, you have Sandra Bullock in what I really hope will give her good cred with the indie folk, Daniel Craig and Sigourney Weaver. Not to mention Hope Davis, who rivals Patricia Clarkson in terms of great character actors. She's wonderful in everything she does, and looks to continue to do so here.
They were made at the same time. I don't think anybody expected the other one to upstage the movie with Bullock, Weaver, Paltrow, Craig, Davis, Rossellini, Daniels...
Bravo, beau!
I, too, loathed Capote and its strictly "I'm-gonna-avoid-literal-impersonation" Oscar-winning performance by Hoffman. The whole thing smacked of self-righteousness, sermonizing and reduction without a bit of insight into what made Capote and his fascination with Perry Smith tick. It was "tasteful" with a capital T, when what was called for was a little grotesque excess, for one thing. A sense of humor wouldn't have hurt, either. I felt like I was watching a television movie about the horrors of fame most of the time, deadeningly earnest and inappropriately austere.
I don't know which trailer some comment writers have been watching, but the trailer I watched promises a far more complex investigation of the material than we got with Bennett Miller's film.
dead on, jack. dead on.
Keep up the good work Parental control software mac
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