So Zooey Deschanel is, according to Dark Horizons, going to be playing Janis Joplin in Penelope Spheeris' biopic of the singer, The Gospel According To Janis.
We can consider the Zellweger-bullet dodged then? Or is there another seperate biopic being made? Is Janis the Alexander the Great of 2006/07?
I'm not even a fan of Joplin, but the rumor of Zellweger playing her gave me an instant case of acid reflux. Nothing against Ms. Z, she can be fine when she wants to be, but her apple-cheeked girl-next-door "Who, me?" routine wouldn't have exactly cut it playing a woman as connected to a bottle of Jack Daniels as she was to a microphone.
Zooey... I like Zooey. She's yet to give me enough of a reason to love her (though All The Real Girls came damned close), but the possibility floats there, in the ether, waiting for her to snatch it up. This probably wouldn't be the project to make that happen but it might give her the opportunity to maybe find that role. Think the gal you played in Elf, only you're the star, Zooey!
What do y'all think? Yay or nay? Poor Courtney's too old. Speaking of Miss Love, how long has Lovelace been sitting there on IMDb as "announced"? Is that thing happening or what?
We can consider the Zellweger-bullet dodged then? Or is there another seperate biopic being made? Is Janis the Alexander the Great of 2006/07?
I'm not even a fan of Joplin, but the rumor of Zellweger playing her gave me an instant case of acid reflux. Nothing against Ms. Z, she can be fine when she wants to be, but her apple-cheeked girl-next-door "Who, me?" routine wouldn't have exactly cut it playing a woman as connected to a bottle of Jack Daniels as she was to a microphone.
Zooey... I like Zooey. She's yet to give me enough of a reason to love her (though All The Real Girls came damned close), but the possibility floats there, in the ether, waiting for her to snatch it up. This probably wouldn't be the project to make that happen but it might give her the opportunity to maybe find that role. Think the gal you played in Elf, only you're the star, Zooey!
What do y'all think? Yay or nay? Poor Courtney's too old. Speaking of Miss Love, how long has Lovelace been sitting there on IMDb as "announced"? Is that thing happening or what?
oh i think that's great that renee is out...or so we can hope.
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
I really really like Zooey Deschanel. Sure, she's never really wowed me, but she's just so...I don't know, charming.
I think (and hope) she'll do a good job with this.
I've never seen anything with Zooey in it so I can't really comment.
But I Love Courtney Love. Like, with a passion. I need her to be successful again.
I actually never minded Renee's involvement with this... I thought she might've been good. We know she has basi singing ability, and she's from Texas, so she gets the Texas "thing", and... I dunno, I kinda just think she coulda done this. Much as I hate her now, when this was first announced years ago, I think she was still in good fraces with me and I don't remember ever being uspet. And to be honest, now that she's done Ruby Thewes, well... is crazed crack whore really that much of a stretch? We know Z has it in her to go wacko.
And no joke, I actually think she coulda done this if she let herself really let loose, and was slightly disappointed when it fell apart.
But do you know who I think would REALLY be good??? Catherine O'Hara. Yeah, yeah? Thoughts on THAT?
Catherine O'Hara, yes. For real. That would've been perfect (and doable) circa 1985. Instead of After Hours, she should've been doing the Joplin biopic. I'm already deep into mourning its never-wasness.
See Zooey in The Good Girl. Priceless.
I've been wondering for the longest time why Spheeris hasn't opened her eyes and cast JULIETTE fucking LEWIS. She could not be more ideal. She can act up a storm and she'd also be able to sing the shit out of the part. Plus she'd surely be in the running for a much-deserved oscar.
According to IMDB Zooey's up to play Liza M. also... How is that possible that they cast her for both Janis and Liza? She must be a damn fine actress to pull them both off.
Love me some Zooey, but as Nick said, Juliette Lewis would be the perfect match.
Praise be if Renée takes a pass though. Love her in One True Thing, Nurse Betty and the first Bridget... but Cold Mountain and more specifically her award speeches have done a lot of damage to our relationship. I need some time out.
btw, the project that Renee was attached to isn't this one. The original actress in Spheeris' movie was to be Pink (the singer). Renee Z was/is attached to a completely different Joplic project (the one that always seemed like it would be made instead of this one).
This is a bit disappointing, because although Zellwegger hasn't been too impressive of late, she has three times the range of Deschanel.
I thought Britney Murphy was in the running? That would have been superb!
I saw Deshcanel do King Lear in LA and she was simply amazing. She has a pretty wide range, IMO, but hardly gets the oppurtunity to scream and rage.. she's usually more sedate in films. But I can totally picture her wailing like Joplin and I really hope she hits this one out of the park.
zooey deschanel is so fucking stupid i can't stand it.
don't be hating on zooey. after almost famous, i kept my eye on the girl. never saw 'all the real girls', but i DID see "Elf", and she was the best part of the whole damn film. (she was supposedly amazing in 'winter passing' as well.)
any film she's in, i'll plunker down eight bucks. yeah, i'd even sit through failure to launch. THAT'S how much i dig this woman.
courtney love and juliette lewis need (and deserve) career revivals. and i'm of the camp who has always dug brittany murphy.
i don't give a shit what anyone thinks, that girl has some talent.
and zelwegger? more range?
*thinks for a second...*
I still say Catherine O'Hara would be better than the whole damn lot of 'em.
Also, where and why is Zooey Zeschanel playing LIZA M, and why isn't Toni Collette doing it instead???
It's some weird movie that co-stars Brendan Fraser if I remember correctly. It puzzled me so much a while ago I made a blog entry about it. I didn't understand what the deal was.
I dont think this project is going to actually happen
zooey deschanel is so stupid.
oh arden love, how can you speak such blasphemy?
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