Chris Wilton: [To waiter] Um...Roast Chicken
Chloe Hewett: God. Boring! Honestly they have the greatest caviar blini here. You should try them.
Chris: That's OK.
Chloe: No. Do you like caviar?
Chris: so so
Chloe: (laughter) so so... [To waiter] He's been brought up as a good boy to always order modestly. I'm very sorry.
Tom Hewett: He'll have the blini
I adore this movie
as do i.
i was watching it yesterday. La Bloody Traviata (hee) it just plays so confidently.
wish woody would be this good every time out these days
I watched this again just recently and I was amazed to find it played just as good on repeat.
I still remember being in the cinema during the scene and the entire cinema sort of had a silent telepathic communication of "OH MY GOD!" There were quite a few audible gasps and one woman behind me muttered "Well, she was a nutter". It was delightful.
*She* was a nutter?
With the guy coldly, systematically rationalising his way through a murder and emerging unaffected, some woman thought 'she' was the nutter?
I swear.. People.. Sometimes.. They miss the point so bad
That's the genius of the movie...Woody Allen managed to make us all (or most of us) cheer for his throughly unlikeable hero. We want him to succeed. Oh, and I love Emily Mortimer. It needed to be said
Crimes and Misdemeanors 2: Duplicity and Murder in London
I hadn't enjoyed anything Allen had made since Husbands and Wives, but Match Point was terrific; elegantly made, beautifully cast.
I'd so much rather see a director make one really good film every four or five years, as opposed to just cranking them out like product.
third best film of 2005, behind 'the new world' and 'manderlay'.
manderlay. ewww
Heh, love that moment.
Gotta agree, Match Point holds up surprisingly well.
Confident is the right word, Nathaniel. No, it's not as good as Husband and Wives or Crimes and Misdemeanours, but it plays sooo well. For me the main moment is not the "well, she was a nutter" scene but the beautifully played out double twist ring sequence (I gasped at the reveal. Just supremely well done. And that cast is utterly sensational. I loved Mortimer and Goode in particular.
I also love this scene, but the best part is yet to come. I love the moment when Mortimer defend "hard work" against "luck". What does she know about hard working? I mean, even finding a man, she still need to have her daddy buying him for her. The humor here is very dark and subtle.
arkaan- - i'll admit that the first time i was as focused on JRM and Scarjo as everyone else but yes. Mortimer and Goode are particularly good. Especially Goode... it's like he's dripping with money in the way he holds himself and i love what have to be adlibs. like his 'yum yum' at the end of his order in this sequence.
It's as if Allen told him to play the role as if he's attracted to EVERYONE. I mean, if he wasn't with ScarJo at the time, the line "Now, Irish. How bout a little Scottish before supper" would've seemed like a come-on (especially with the eyebrow raise and smack of the lips).
If anyone cares, Cassandra's Dream finally has a US distributor (Weinstein)
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