How much do I love Jane Fonda? More than you know. She spent last night maximizing
Georgia Rule's promo opportunity on
The Colbert Report by
sitting on Steven Colbert's lap and flirting outrageously. This, boring celebrities everywhere, is how it's done. You should be entertaining off screen as well. Because of an earlier episode in which she had unexpectedly kissed him, Colbert had put his Fonda fantasies
"on notice" (hee) and he was visibly and adorably flustered at her forwardness on this return visit.
Jane Fonda is the coolest. So very glad that she's working again...
I'm so glad to hear she's acting again - she was always a favorite I have sorely missed.
She was on Letterman talking about confronting bears in her bedroom and cougars on a turkey hunt. She totally knew how to handle both. As Rhett Butler said, what a woman!
Now, if only I could confront some bears in the bedroom...
hmmm... perhaps you should add her to those who could "save" Lindsay Lohan? Working together might have been good for her...
She was hysterical on Letterman. I loved her line when she was talking about the eco-friendly clothes she was wearing and that her shirt was made of milk and her pants of hemp so "you could drink my top and smoke my bottom." Hee.
She's awesome, and yeah, THAT is how you do a talk show appearance.
That has to be the greatest guest moment in the show's history. That and when Barry Manilow was on.
"I lost to Barry Manilow!!!! He put cameras into something he does every single night, while I do a new and special show 4 days a week, 32 weeks a year!! WTF?!?!"
She kept adjusting. That in itself is insanely genius.
Yeah, I love Jane. However, I'd love for her to make a guest appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show. Now that would be awesome. I'd pay to see that!
Jane would get my vote for best actress. I love her so much.
She was very funny on Letterman. After the remark that Ja mentioned about clothes (which occured in the first minute) David turned to the camera and said goodnight thanks for watching. Nobody was gonna top that remark from The Fonda.
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