Q: Who are your favorite movie teachers?
Which one occupies your mind most often? Do you dream of waxing on and waxing off with Mr. Miyagi? Want to be schooled by Miss Jean Brodie in her Prime? Maybe you hunger for candy bars thrown by Louanne Johnson? Tell all in the comments (Bonus points for actual teachers willing to comment on their screen counterparts)
P.S. I'm aware I've asked a version of this question before. But let's have a rowdy class. Let's hear from some lurkers. Don't be shy.
P.S. 2 And appropriate for the occassion: "Nice White Lady" from MadTV (thanks Glenn)
Have to say you've nabbed the best ones already. I'm showing love for the Oscar-winning Maggie Smith, Oscar-nominees Pat Morita and Robin Williams, and the should've been Oscared-by-now Michelle Pfeiffer.
Whilst it may be slightly premature, I would also add to the pantheon Ryan Gosling's beautiful rendering of a a teacher-in-trouble and Hilary Swank's (who, aptly, was "taught" by Morita in her debut screen role) hot, infectious spunk of an inspirer. Both made me shed more than a few tears whilst watching their respective on-screen struggles.
I hate, hate, hate "Dead Poet's Society".
On a more positive note, I recently rewatched "To Sir with Love" and it was much better than I remembered. An absolute classic.
Let's add the two leads from "The Children's Hour", too, even though the teacher thing didn't actually come into play much.
To Sir With Love is one of my all-time favorite movies, and not just because of the fablous Lulu song. I had a big gay-crush on Judy Geeson when I was a kid. She seemed to be in everything. I thought she and Poitier had wonderful chemistry.
M.Pfeiffer's acting was excellent in this feel good movie.
I have a soft spot for Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. And I'm totally serious. I love the way she plays the character with a twinkle in her eye. Like she knows just how silly the movie is.
As a teacher myself, I count the following among my role models.
• Anne Meara's Miss Sherwood in Fame.
• Betty Buckley's Miss Collins in Carrie
• Embeth Davidtz's Miss Honey in Matilda
and pretty much the entire cast of Robert Rodriguez's The Faculty...
i loved all the teachers from fame --particularly the television show
OMG, Miss Sherwood in the "Fame" TV show is an effing ROLE MODEL. I don't throw the word "fabulous" around much, but...
I have to admit, something inside of me really liked Ryan Gosling in the actual teaching sense. That part is also addicted to all sorts of crap...
Others I like:
- Drew Barrymore, Donnie Darko
- Zooey Deschanel, Bridge to Terabithia
- Julie Walters, Billy Elliot
- The X-Men, because well, they are teachers.
- And though I haven't even seen it, Wei Minzhi in Not One Less, just cuz.
And why is so hard to think of film teachers for me?
And Nice White Ladies are AWESOME!!!!!
I definitely prefer roles that do not fit into the "Nice White Lady" model. Ryan Gosling's role in Half Nelson is easily my favorite on-screen portrayal of an educator. I liked PSH in The 25th Hour too.
I have actually written sonnets about my love for Maggie Smith as Jean Brodie, so all of my love goes to her. If I had some left over, I'd probably share it with the staff at Hogwarts.
Uh, clearly Sister Mary Clarence from one of the greatest movies ever made Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit.
I have to go with Edward James Olmos in Stand and Deliver - POWERHOUSE performance and film all around. Richard Dreyfus as Mr. Holland is also a personal favorite. Mr. Hand in Fast Times, Ingrid Bergman in Bells of St. Marys, and though he wasn't a teacher during most of the film - Morgan Freeman in Lean on Me
All these characters and films have inspired me to become a teach - Graduation is in 2 weeks and I start teaching this August - Can't wait.
Though hardly a role model teacher, I immediately thought of poor Jane Adams scabbing her way through the picket line to teach that adult ESL class in "Happiness". If it hadn't been so funny, I'd a cried!
Oh, and who can forget Mr. Hand in "Fast Times"?
First choice for me would be Mr. Holland, followed by Tina Fey's Ms Norbery from Mean Girls.
Sandra Oh's Humanities Teacher, Canada, in Popular was a favorite of ours. Unfortunately, they only had her for two episodes. :(
Yeah Mrs. Collins, Sister Mary Clarence, and Drew Barrymore in Darko were great. And of course Ryan Gosling. I want all those teachers.
ok... so not the best of teachers, but I had sooo much fun with Schwartzeneger in Kindergarten Cop! ;o)
To add another name not mentioned yet (let's get some diversity in here!): Antonio Banderas in Take The Lead! Now where can I find a dance teacher like that? (hmmm... where'd Patrick Swayze get to?)
I forget his name, but the teacher from Willy Wonka stands out in my memory.
Also, no mention of Matthew Broderick in Election?
I lurk 'cause I rarely like to reveal my geekdom for all to see... but my mind went to X-men teachers(Primarily the Professor); Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape; Yoda (come on best teacher anywhere anytime); President Roslin (former teacher); and Jenny Calendar from Buffy.
geeky lurker those are AWESOME reminders. jenny calendar (sigh)...
celebrate your geekdom!
Ah Julie Walters - how could I have forgotten you!
Michael Caine obviously taught you well in Educating Rita, because you came back in Billy Elliot and, for me anyway, blew all the other cine-teachers out of the water.
On a serious note, William Hurt in Children of a Lesser God.
On a less serious note, there is no more memorable teacher in all of film history than Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
How about Meryl Streep in "Music of the Heart"? I'm a sucker for inspirational teacher movies, but Streep gives the most inspirational without overdoing it. Her work is just beautiful.
I thought about Streep too; I think her work in Music of the Heart often gets overlooked because of the schmalzy nature of the film. But she does great, rich work, even though I can't quite find room for her in my 1999 actress list (Swank - gulp, Winslet, McTeer, Bening, Witherspoon... in that order).
I love curmudgeons. Honorable mention to Ray Walston as a college Ethics professor (and pre-"Fast Times at Ridgemont High") in 1960's "Tall Story", but top honors to John Houseman as Professor Kingsfield in "The Paper Chase".
On a more offbeat note, has anyone besides myself ever seen Rock Hudson as a bed-'em-all high school teacher in Roger Vadim/Gene Roddenberry's "Pretty Maids All In A Row"? Gotta see if that can find its way into the Netflix queue for another visit...
that sounds interesting to say the least. must see
How about Penelope Milford in "Heathers" and her group healing.
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