Is it my imagination or is Kate Winslet getting hotter every year? I'm not just talking about her stardom which has been a relative constant since Titanic lifted her up out of the corseted release realm and into the expansive world of mainstream adulation. I'm not just talking about her performances which have always been good but together amass a resonant and formidable filmography that would be the envy of practically anyone. I'm talking about her beauty and sensuality too.

If she's this beautiful all throughout the movie I may die of happiness watching it, even if her character happens to be miserable...from what I've heard Richard Yates famous novel is not exactly a happy tale. I shall read it soon.
Now that Little Children is on DVD and finally available to every Kate fan who was desperate to see it and presumably some of you reading along (god that movies release strategy. ack) ...how do you feel it ranks in her filmography?
Two more quick things:

First, I don't remember this photo above but I am obsessed with it at the moment. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Mia and Joe? ...perhaps its nap time.
Her entire seven figure salary?
It's a mystery you should help me figure out in the comments. Any suspicions?
Perhaps the combined oscars and golden globes of Mira Sorvino, Helen Hunt, Jennifer Connelly, Hilary Swank, and Helen Mirren that she stole back from them?
Kate will win an oscar for Revolutionary Road. It looks like it will be the one.
Maybe it's not a bag. Maybe it's...a chair with handles? A baby bag that includes the baby? A tent?
Richard Yates, ahem, hem :)
my fact checker (me) must be fired.
Kate is a goddess. Sorry to state the obvious, but ya'll know it's truer than most things on this planet. And that picture... it's breathtaking! Her pose, the deck, the boots, the trees. I can't look away... and I don't want to... That photographer should be given a medal. Now.
Can Kate have his medal instead? People keep stealing them from her, after all.
You simply have to love Kate. For her talent, for her looks and also for her humour.
I find it difficult to forget her episode in Ricky Gervais' 'Extras', a particular highlight of the entire series, with her giving phone sex advice and gesturing dirty while wearing a nun's habit and complaining about never winning the Oscars she's nominated for.
Isn't that Patricia Arquette in the second photo?
I love Kate. She's my kind of beauty ideal.
I've tagged you for a meme, if you have time/inclination to do it. You can read about it here:
Is it a laundry bag? Perhaps she has a thing for appliances after the sizzly laundry action in LC...
It's got to be the money she won in her libel suit and is donating to an eating disorder charity. She's a goddess, and I would totally switch for her.
God, I love her.
Holy Smoke
Heavenly Creatures
Eternal Sunshine
Little Children
adam k --i love it. but still there's gotta be more than statuettees in there.
deborah --if it's a chair its of the beanbag family...
drg --what dirty laundry does kate have? hmmmm... she seems like such an open book. or are we talking literal laundry?
*sigh* How do I love her? Let me count the ways:
1. Every single thing about her.
umm... that's it.
It is your imagination. She was clearly hotter a few years back.
I dunno man, that's TEN statuettes. Add in the four SAG awards she's lost, and you have a VERY full bag.
To answer your question Nathaniel: Little Children - her best performance yet.
Can't wait for its DVD release here in a few weeks - hope they retain that gorgeous black poster for the cover. And have great Kate Oscar-baiting quote on it as well.
I'd rank Little Children performance-wise third behind Eternal Sunshine and Heavenly Creatures.
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