Cha Cha Cha ...the Three Amigos $100 million deal
Running Up That Hill if popbytes only could, he'd make a deal with God...
I Hate Moulin Rouge! You read that right.
The Joker A freakshow "I would absolutely not mess with"
Title Card... I love a good one.
Ask a Great Question get a good link
Now Filming more from the set of Australia

July in May
Released Too Late I knew people would come around to The Painted Veil
Cannes a helpful roundup (so far) if you're exhausted just thinking about it --as I am. Notice the lack of posts re:
Yeah, and Alien vs. Predator is the best movie since Leprechaun 3! [trys figuring out if that's right; confuses; explodes]
Thanks Nathanial for the hook-up.
So does this mean I can look forward to your participation?
i'm trying to decide. the thing is so many people don't get those curveballs / fakeouts.
do i really want people thinking i hate west side story, manhattan, far from heaven or cabaret? ;)
I'll probably upset several people here when I say I wish Nicole Kidman wasn't in Australia. Oh well.
Joker = scary.
you're so right on the painted veil...argh...i wish it were a part of the mix.
i'm with you on the bizarro curve-ball...it's a lot of fun but without right "just kidding" 62,000 times in the post people might not get it.
although...it would be fun to right a post about the great american masterpiece called "Milo & Otis."
The Dark Knight: I. Can't. Wait.
Australia: Yeah, that too.
Oh and whoever hates Moulin Rouge deserves to be shot. Seriously.
piper see what I mean...!
you have to say JUST KIDDING constantly ;)
oh and lensman. this is how much I "hate" moulin rouge!
It's 3 days under the big veil of JUST KIDDING. Come on.
Nat, I'd probably go with Far From Heaven, just because you freaking love it so much, it would be interesting how, since it's the polar opposite, you'd want to have it burned at the stake, right?
(muahahaha, I'm loving this already!)
That's what Heath's Joker is gonna look like? Ugh, Jesus.
Upset? why, it's your opinion but jess, then there will be no "Australia" considering that Baz Luhrmann actually wrote the role of Lady Sarah Ashley for her. "Australia" is all about Lady Sarah, just don't go see it :). And if Baz decides to do Alexander, she already has the role of Olympias in the can.
I can't not see it defiant, I love Baz Luhrmann and have been waiting for his next movie for as long as anybody. I just wish she wasn't in it.
This is freaky, because on a flight from DC to Seattle last Wednesday I finally saw The Painted Veil (on the tiny 3-4" screen in the seat in front of me, with the sound coming through the earphones quite badly) and was so taken with it I watched the third act a second time. Like Australia, it's at least partly about a woman transformed in a harsh, foreign landscape (the last line of the film is tragic, devastating and triumphant all at once) but I doubt that even my beloved Kidman could have played the part with as many subtle nuances as Naomi did (it's not about her face being pushed in the dust, about a change of costume or being physically transformed but being emotionally altered. I was afraid for her at times because as an audience member I didn't know her husband any better than she did, and like her had no idea how dogmatic, how unbending he was and how far he would take the "punishment" meted out to her). It's a very subtle, psychological piece - perhaps too subtle for even the awards committees to fully appreciate, much less general audiences. It surprised me at every turn, and chose subtly when other films would have employed over-the-top dramatics, and perhaps that doomed it to go unnoticed. The snub was highly undeserved.
BTW Nat, I can't find the "I hate MR" essay when I click the link. Not that I would understand such a mindset anyway, I'm sure.
no, it's just a joke about that blog-a-thon announcement. i.e. what does Nathaniel love most? therefore he hates it. see... bizarro blog-a-thon. should be interesting. i'm a bit scared to do it though
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