It’s all over but the partying here at the Indy Fest. Yesterday we had our jury meeting. There were three sets of jurors for the different sections of competition. Yours truly was on the world cinema jury. Serving on the jury with me were a jovial local to Indy film and music critic and a delightful member of Film Movement. We watched. We judged. We determined prize worthiness.

The feature decision was reached with little compromise needed. We had strongly different opinions on all but two features, Das Fräulein and Thicker Than Water. Both of those were very well regarded by all. In the end after a discussion of their merits, we decided that the top prize belonged to Das Fräulein. For those eager to see it, it received a theatrical distribution deal during the week of the festival so it will be hitting major markets in August or September (that’s the plan I’m hearing at any rate. But you know how these things change). I’m also quite pleased that the other juries agreed with my assessment of the scalpel like precision of the performances within Thicker Than Water so we found a way to award that, too: a special jury prize for acting.

Here is the complete list of prizes from the 4th Annual Indianapolis Film Festival. If you missed my write-ups just click on the film festival label at the end of the post.
(Audience Awards)
Best Feature: [tie] Waitress (USA) and Speed Dating (Ireland)
Best Short: The Substitute (Italy)
Best Documentary: In the Shadow of the Moon
(American Spectrum)
Best Feature: Adrift in Manhattan
Best Short: Pop Foul
Jury Prize Cinematography: Disappearances
Jury Prize Comedy: Nevel is the Devil & Kidney Thieves
(Real Visions i.e. Documentary)
Best Feature: Rain in a Dry Land
Jury Prize Honorable Mention: Bridge Over the Wadi
Jury Prize Director Marie-Josee Sainte-Pierre for McLaren's Negatives
Best Short: Angel's Fire
Jury Prize Honorable Mention: Heavy Metal Jr.
(World Cinema) * My Section
Best Feature: Das Fräulein
Best Short: Eramos Pocos
Jury Prize Performance: The cast of Thicker Than Water
Jury Prize Music: Milk and Opium
Hope you enjoyed the coverage here. Now I’m off to the party to say goodbye to new friends and imbibe much alcohol. I now return you to normally scheduled programming here at the Film Experience.
I saw Patterns II at the Vancouver Int'l Film Fest and I loved it, but I had the feeling something was missing - maybe I should track down the other two and watch them.
Patterns III pulls it altogether in ways most surprising / satisfying / bizarre.
Looks like I just missed a free screening of that trilogy in my area. Drat.
Thanks for the inside look at a jury. I just have one question: was there any set of critical criteria that the festival asked you to consider, or that the jury agreed upon before deciding on the winners, or were you working with nothing more than the films, your own opinions and your fellow jurors' comments to got by?
i know that some awards had very specific criteria (they have a kurt vonnegut sci-fi award for example and the estate prescribed a very specific set of criterias to be judged on for them to be allowed use of the name)
but ours was your general critical criteria.
no special instructions other than one feature and one short and we could give up to two special prizes if we wanted.
I will say that I'm very glad to have been on the world cinema jury because I would have not had a pleasant experience on the "american spectrum" jury since I didn't care for two of the winners.
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