______Plus: Movies To Watch During Oscar Season
Get yer annual fix of Woody Allen with Cassandra's Dream But wait a minute! This was moved back from December 2007 which means we've had a true rupture in the space time continuum. The rule is that there's a Woody Allen movie for every calendar year. And now 2007 doesn't have one! As in soooo many movie cases you can blame the Weinsteins. Don't they know the rule? And this might mean that 2008 has two Woodys. On account of that Barcelona picture being in post-production already. It's all so discombulating.
Meanwhile, that vagina dentata horror comedy Teeth is the other major mini opening. Also opening in either LA or NY (or both): Day Zero and Taxi to the Dark Side

Cloverfield -I haven't been following the successful PR hype machine that is this monster movie (I'm too busy with Oscar season) but most bloggers have. My New Plaid Pants has it well covered so I don't need to.
Mad Money is opening because Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah and Mrs. Tom Cruise III don't have enough money yet. I haven't seen their bank statements but it feels like a safe guess.
27 Dresses could become the second romantic comedy blockbuster for Katharine "Izzy" Heigl. I haven't seen it yet but I will on account of one James Marsden, he of the granite sculpted cheekbones and devilish face consuming grin.
I F . Y O U .. D O N ' T .. W A N T .. T O . S E E .. T H O S E . . . .
You still have to catch up on this year's Oscar movies...
Rather than bitch at you for not seeing the movies that Hollywood prevents you from seeing anyway (damn those stingy distribution patterns), I hereby present to you 27

Giant * McCabe and Mrs Miller * In the Mood for Love
Darling * Trois Coleurs: Rouge * Hud
The Departed * The Bad Seed * Cinema Paradiso
Hairspray * Three Kings * Elizabeth
You Can Count On Me * M*A*S*H * The Crossing Guard
Late Marriage * Women in Love * Four Weddings and a Funeral
Rosemary's Baby * Mosquito Coast * Network
Never Cry Wolf * Silence of the Lambs * The Age of Innocence
Before Night Falls * Fargo * All the Presidents Men
Darling * Trois Coleurs: Rouge * Hud
The Departed * The Bad Seed * Cinema Paradiso
Hairspray * Three Kings * Elizabeth
You Can Count On Me * M*A*S*H * The Crossing Guard
Late Marriage * Women in Love * Four Weddings and a Funeral
Rosemary's Baby * Mosquito Coast * Network
Never Cry Wolf * Silence of the Lambs * The Age of Innocence
Before Night Falls * Fargo * All the Presidents Men
Happy movie watching!
Hey, is Rosemary's Baby linked to Bug. That one is really baffling me.
It's like the Shadows and Fog/Husbands and Wives double whammy. Which means we're hopefully due ONE decent Woody this year.
Wait, I meant...
...oh, never mind.
OK, I double clicked there and I didn't mean to.
This is becoming the posting equivalent of Jon Favreau's answerphone message in Swingers. Or Olympia Dukakis in Away From Her.
On the subject of distribution issues, I guess here in SF we are fortunate to get most of the releases relatively early, and we have theaters that screen the shorts and documentaries before the Oscar ceremony. But the foreign films...I suspect this may be another year when I can only see one or two of the foreign films before the actual ceremony. This is HIGHLY annoying.
no rosemary's baby was a little joke about pregnancy since the year was so focused on the topic with 4 MONTHS... JUNO... KNOCKED UP... WAITRESS, etcetera
James Marsden is beautiful.
And that pic of Elijah Wood on your banner continues to give me a smile.
Nathaniel, Cloverfield really works... I can't believe I am saying that.
Mosquito Coast = Into The Wild
Ebert's "Mad Money" review is great:
That didn't work too well.
I'll try again
Yesss! Fargo! That's what I'll be watching tonight. Oh, and can I assume that Fargo = No Country for Old Men?
that Ebert review is really fun
Woody Allen ... yeah, the 91/92 transition was kind of discombobulating. I was surprised that the transition to Dreamworks in 2000 went so seemlessly.
27 Dresses is great fun if you're into that sort of thing. And, yes, James Marsen steals the show (along with Judy Greer, as always). And, thankfully, there are no precocious children in sight!
I highly recommend "The Bad Seed". Patty McCormack is really creepy as the 'perfect' child.
you can count on me = you love laura linney?
before night falls = javier bardem?
darling = julie christie?
departed = american gangster?
hud = jesse james/3:10 to yuma?
crossing guard = sean penn + reservation road
age of innocence = atonement?
giant = movies in texas: no country & there will be blood?
okay...i will be done. Fun list of movies to rent.
some of them correlate because of directors and stars or subject matter but some are really just because they inform how the academy thinks. For example: they love psycho men so a daniel day lewis that's closer to a demonic hannibal lecter from silence of the lambs (who has also been replaced as everyone's favorite villain by anton chigurh) than the emotionally torn guy he played in the costume drama age of innocence --is more likely to win him prizes. and age of innocence... if costume dramas are too cold or severe in some way, you run into problems with the academy and "atonement" isn't so easy, you know.
it's like that with these choices.
Enjoyed the Ebert review (thanks anon); when you have to quote random comments on the web you know it's time to hang it up.
Cassandra's Dream is truly great. It does have the "Match Point from a diffrent angle" feel though. Umm, yeah. You get the idea.
This is all I can do without giving out any spoilers.
Nat. Besides Shadows and Fog/Husband and Wives, there's another case like this for Allen.
Melinda and Melinda was made in 2004 but released until 2005, making it get released in the same year as Match Point. Both of them were eligible for the 2005-2006 Oscars. And Match Point rocked... so I'm hoping barcelona does too
I believe that either These Three (1936) or The Children's Hour (1961) draw a better parallel to Atonement. The Bad Seed is about a girl who is a murderer, while the two versions of Hellman's play are about the effects of a lie by a young girl.
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