...and now I don't think
Ratatouille is such a cute movie after all. Can I remove it from my
Best Picture nominees? Cause... gross. When last seen, late last night, it was entering the kitchen with
Monty in hot pursuit. The kitchen is where I make delicious
omelettes (Remy
aint the only one who does). The kitchen is where I stumble barefoot in the morning. The kitchen is where the glorious coffee lives. I can't live without coffee. And I can't live with a mouse.
uh oh, wait till he invites his friends over and they're swarming all over the place.
Errr, thanks. I'll sleep well tonight
My sis had mice at her place, and I didn`t visit for nearly a year. Everytime she caught one another turned up. Thankfully, now she is mouse free. Not sure how she finally did it though. Good Luck.
You've lived in NY all these years and this is your first mouse? Lucky! I had one within weeks!
There are constantly mice in my school. It doesn't really bother me per se but if they were in my house....shudder.
This mouse clearly ate up all the "wheres" leaving only "wears" in its place.
I had a mouse in my apartment for two weeks. I live with three people, none of which did anything about it. I spent so much time trying to put mouse traps together, but of course I couldn't do it, nor could any of my friends in school, for some reason. I just had to wait until it decided to die/leave. Fuck mice. I hope you fair better in your struggle against its grossness.
There used to be a lot of mice in my house. I never minded them. But recenty, it seems they've all disappeared. I think it's our new cat. So, you might just need reinforcements. Or a comically over-sized mallet.
el gigante --f*** what is with my spelling lately. I'm a freaking spelling bee champ from way back? my apologies.
derek --i've lived in NYC for 9 years. 3 apts. this is the nicest apartment i've had and after 3 years it's the first time i've seen one (though apparently apt #2 once had a mouse while i was out of town and my friends and the boyfriend hid this factoid from me when i returned and NEVER told me until years after i had moved out. They know me well.)
hopefully my cat is still at work on the problem. he needs to earn his luxurious lifestyle.
My mom had mice in her home in a suburb in Michigan, a new subdivision that had formerly been farmer's fields. We had mice in the basement. One day my mom left a bucket of mop water on the basement floor overnight, forgetting to dump it out. The next day we found dead mice floating in it - and we had no more mice problems after that.
I have had 3 mice in the past few months (one was a baby). Mingo catches them handily. I think they're in the wall between the stove and garage and that's why they come back.
They don't freak me out. I like watching Mingo strut his stuff. His fully name is Mighty Mighty Mingo and he is a Mighty Mighty Mouser.
We had a mouse recently here in Sydney. Traps are rubbish. We bought this kind of "mouse bait" - little cardboard boxes filled with bait. The idea being the mouse is attracted to the scent (or something) of the bait, eats the bait, then wanders off to die (hopefully somewhere else). If you have a cat, you'd want to put this out only at times you could shut the door and keep the cat safe, but for us it worked like a charm (in three days . . . no mouse.)
I can't wait for the post about kitty leaving a decapitated mouse body at the foot of your bed ... I wish I could be there for the subsequent scream. Poor little unloved mouse.
didn't you learn anything from the movie, nate? poor little critter's just living his dream. you may not have to make your own omelettes much longer
I had a pet rat once. Maybe that's why I didn't get the "omggross!!!" stuff about Ratatouille. Pet rats are much nicer than feral wild ones though, clearly.
i lived with someone once for about a month who had a pet rat. It really wasn't that disgusting if you knew the thing. very friendly but wild mice cannot share my house.
Living in a very old house with 3 foot thick walls means that mice are an occupational hazard. Hence three cats. Hence also randomly distributed body parts. This is not good, but better than constantly checking larders for the little scamperers.
I like mice and rats a lot in fact. I kept them and they're very charming individually. It's just the en masse onslaught of feral rodents which is a problem.
Hopefully Monty's instincts will do the job before the critter brings in friends and they breed.
Good luck.
it's always great to compare real life events to film allusions...
hope the mouse invasion ends...
otherwise you might have to guy Disney free for months.
Nice and Interesting articles you have god bless you...
There's always more than one and they mostly come out at night...mostly. Just set an electronic trap and be done with it. Victor makes that Multi-Kill trap that kills ten mice before needing reset. Happy hunting.
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