roughly twenty years ago...

My god, that face. It was meant to be silver screened. Such strange beauteous character.
P.S. Yes,
she's still got it.
P.S. 2 I'm guessing she's wrapped filming by now on her role as "Medusa" in the adaptation of the children's fantasy series
Percy Jackson & the Olympians since Medusa doesn't seem to have a large role if the official website is to be trusted. This book series about a "half blood" boy sent to a magical
boarding school summer camp for demi-gods sounds suspiciously / plagiaristically
Harry Potter-esque. But maybe they just market everything to sound like
Harry Potter these days? I'm not sure about the Medusa casting. The only way Uma's face turns this viewer to stone is in the figurative sense... I'm frozen in my seat. I've never been able to look away.
Totally different subject, but I want to rant about how I can't watch MOON, AWAY WE GO, TYSON, or any other movie I actually want to see cause Orlando sucks in regards to limited releases. I'll give in and finally see THE HANGOVER. I've heard many good things, even though it's not my kind of movie at all...
I've seen Motherhood with Uma at Sundance - not the greatest movie of our times, but she looks amazing in it. Still , for me she will always be
Beatrix Kiddo aka The bride
I forgot that she was in Dangerous Liaisons until a few minutes ago. I really couldn't remember her. Between Glenn Close and Michelle Pfeiffer, though, who has a chance?
She looks like Sherie Rene Scott in the last photo
I always thought Uma had a old Hollywood vibe about her. She would have been huge in 30's and 40's.
I actually read the book percy jackson and it's rlly similar to harry potter except it employs greek mythology and how it's parallel to civilization now (I.e mt. Olympus is the empire state bldg 600 flr bcuz nyc is center of western civilization like Greece was) anyhoo...medusa isn't much of a character in the book she's like in 1 battle scene-chapter in some little store wit small figurines of ppl she turned into stone. I love greek myth and the story of these novels (in fact I read all 5 of them..and yes it"s a series) I'm quite excited for this movie. It better not ruin the cutesy teen dialogue of the novel. The book was funny and charming...Anything less than that will annoy me.
i wish someone would give the ume a great big actressy role and remind us of her pulp fiction days!!!
For some reason the pic with her with the snakes she almost looks a little like a younger Katharine Hepburn.
Oh wow. I DO see a little Hepburn.
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