Can you guess the movie?
Highlight for the answer: It's the Oscar winning Ang Lee film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with cinematography by Peter Pau
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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?
it was too easy i guess. the shot right before the last shot is sooooo beautiful. such a great ending.
First one I could've gotten, and I'm beat by the first comment.
GREAT movie
at least i was (sort of) in the ballpark geographically - i thought it was spring, summer, winter, fall.... and spring.
Finally one I know!!
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Oh man, I am embarrassed. That is one of my favorite films, and I never would have guessed it. That opening shot looks so European to me that I was leaning more towards CHOCOLAT, but knew it was wrong.
There are so many iconic shots in CROUCHING TIGER, that i assume that the movie begins with something more memorable to me. I should have gotten that last shot though.
i got all excited when i saw it because i thought i had it. ah, well. i know i'm going to get at least one of these...:P
lol- i finally know one. what does that make my record? 1 for 7?
I think I've known all of them except for Videodrome, and even in that one I thought the apartment in the first shot looked familiar.
I've got to make to sure to jump on this as soon as I get to work.
Ha! I never really realized how mundane the opening shot is compared to the ridiculously beautiful closing shot.
henry isn't that the way of it too in the movie. the first 20 minutes being so talky and plain and seemingly still and then LIFT-OFF suddenly there's all those bodies defying gravity and things are never mundane again.
The first shot reminded me of the opening of The Crying Game. I was looking hard to find a ferris wheel. The last shot reminded me of A moment or two in Gorillas in the Mist.
Speaking of the Crying Game, I wish I had seen it with subtitles. Didn't understand a heck of a lot of what was being said, though I def felt the power of it.
Bah, first Se7en and now this. The ones I actually know Im too slow to get the kudos.
gorillas in the mist? no, i kid.
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