Highlight for a clue (but try to guess without it)
The first image is preceeded by a title card which reads "Not East of Suez --- but South of Algiers". Cinematography is by George Barnes.
And if you give up here's a still which shows a very peculiar credit. Can you imagine all the funny / weirdness we'd have today if movies stopped to thank actors for favors and IOUs? (click to embiggen... but only if you've already given up). For fun in the comments, tell us which extra special thank yous you'd have liked to have seen in today's movies.

The answer is [please highlight]: SON OF THE SHIEK
previous first and last puzzles here
who are the people st the top of the page. I think the first on is scarlett johansson and I'm pretty sure the last on is susan surandon. The rest are familiar but I don't know. Someone please tell me!
rudolph valentino movie "the sheik"?
answer this... across the top are
scarlett johansson, paul newman, claudette colbert, jean paul belmondo, debra winger and susan sarandon... but it changes every day or every other day ;)... i like to keep it a mix of stars from multiple eras.
Well I had to look it up based on all the clues you gave, but since I cheated I'll let someone else get it first who may actually know it. Pomme you were close.
Is that Son of the Sheik? I'm not really sure.
I know this is out of the context but
Happy Birthday to Nicole Kidman!
Joe... you got it right. Son of the Sheik
I thought for once I figured out who all the stars at the top of the page were, but alas who is this Jean Paul person? I thought that was "Oscar winner (cough cough)" Adrien Brody.
well his face is very covered ;) Belmondo is a French star (Godard's Breathless being his most famous film)
Nathaniel...did you just use the word "embiggen"?
i did
it's a perfectly cromulent word
what's the story behind the agnes ayres thank you?
i have no idea.
i just thought it was so peculiar... and immediately i started thinking of how many favors probably take place on every movie and what if we were privvy to them in credit form?
google is my friend
she either had a very good agent or they felt guilty for making her play valentino's mother a mere five years after playing his lover
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