Anne Thompson Father's Day Favorites
A Socialite's Life "Hollywood's Hottest Dads"
By Ken Levine entertainments to avoid on father's day
Pop Hangover Dad Awards (television related)
In Contention Top 10 Movies I Watched With My Dad
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And more Jude Law because I'm in the mood. Not that that particular mood is infrequent... quite the contrary. Here's the new character posters for Sherlock Holmes. I realize I've put them in reverse billing order but in my world Jude Law goes before Robert Downey Jr (not a knock on the always entertaining RDJ, just a preference) so it's elementary that Dear Watson goes first.

Billing is often so weird. Did you know, for example that Debra Winger had top billing in Terms of Endearment over Maclaine and Nicholson? (That's on my brain because of the 1982/1983 Oscar rundown).
I'm sure it made sense at the time...
related article: Jude Law #1 Actor of the Aughts 2000-2005. Please note: this list will be revised in January 2010 to reflect the entire decade.
I agree with your poster position
I have no problem with having more Jude Law in my life.
Can't wait to see this movie on Christmas Day.
*sigh* I already have the biggest crush on Watson. Was it the mustache? Was it the suspenders? Hard to say.
*winks and blows kisses at Watson*
Looking forward to this film.
Legends MacLaine (Being There, Turning Point) and Nicholson (The Shining, Reds) hadn't headlined a huge hit in a while, in comparison to Winger (Officer/Gentleman, Urban Cowboy) who was white hot at the time????
Still, it doesn't make sense.
But, then, Jack Nicholson got first billing for "Batman." He was a bigger name than Keaton (obviously), but the title of the movie was "Batman."
Winger was white hot at the time,yes. people forget that because of her early retirement but she was HUGE in the early 80s. a similar 'flame bright and burn out quickly' befell Kathleen Turner of course later in the 80s.
not everyone maintains as well as Streep & Pfeiffer.
Guy Ritchie movies make on me the same result than Michael Bay movies:a bad migraine!
when i was younger,i would be Debra Winger in the movie with Tom berenger "betrayed"!
No, they don't. But, I have to say that I'm in Pauline Kael's camp. Winger has a natural rawness that we don't see in a lot of actresses (especially today).
however, I deviate from Kael when it comes to her calling Streep an android ...
or automaton ... whatever word she used.
Your current photo reminds me of ....
which makes me happy ;)
I just realized that Winger may not have maintained that natural rawness ... as I've heard she's had work done. Haha ... er ... :(
... which reminds me ... just saw "Moon" ...
I'm not going to look at emoticons the same way.
Am I the only one who can't believe this whole "Sherlock Holmes: Reloaded" thing is not a Simpsons parody but actually happening in the real world? I'd be less freaked out by a Ranier Wolfcastle take on Hercule Poirot than the trailers/stills/promo posters for this thing.
And why won't Guy Ritchie descend into utter and total obscurity already?
Jude Law is delicious. I have no particular desire to see this movie, but I have a very particular desire for Jude Law in a period mustache.
Well because you laid it out that way, In my mind Jude was the detective and Robert his sidekick. See how powerful images are. Even though the names were right there.
Debra Winger was the sidekick in TERMS OF ENDEARMENT though. Sorry Deb. Jack and Shirley just shine so bright. I think this is the movie that relaunched their careers.
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