I know this makes me uncool with tweeners & seniors but I don't get
American Idol --or rather, I get it but I don't understand how it stays got. More popular every year even though it's 70% filler and there have been virtually no changes to keep it fresh. Its overwhelming success is bizarre.
So... in my valiant effort to understand the rest of the world's obsession, I'm viewing it through the only prism that ever makes any sense to me: The Movies!
The Film Experience casts...
Taylor. My first thought was silver fox Richard Gere: Age appropriate and all. But, no, definitely too pretty. Another good lookieloo option? Joe Mantegna. But then I thought: This Taylor role is not only challenging acting & singing wise but you also gotta be able to do physical comedy. All that jerking around like you're Joe Cocker reborn or like
Lily Tomlin's spirit has possessed one half of your bod--hey, wait a minute:
Steve Martin! Sign him up. Pay him anything. Done.
Paris? Tough one. The actress has to be among the living (
that rules out the Gilded Moose choice) and the right age range. We don't have that many African American pre-teen movie stars. [
No means no, Dakota --please stop calling!]. I almost skipped this one but then a horrific memory came retching up.
Did you ever see
Are We There Yet?. I saw it accidentally ("accidentally!" I repeat) and there's this scene where the little girl in the movie (Alecia Allen) does a hideous karaoke number at a birthday party.
Ice Cube is her babysitter and he has to perform an excruciating reaction shot. His character must look really impressed with her character's performance. To add abject humiliation to this already embarrassing task, he even has to verify this delight audibly to himself --
"wow, she's really good" or some such shit. There went that last tiny scrap of dignity he was holding on to since the heady days of
Three Kings and
Boyz n the Hood. Maybe a name change is in order: (Ice) Cube Gooding Jr.
Katharine. In the Idol vernacular I guess I have the "McPheever". She is hands down my favorite contestant this year, which means she'll be booted soon. One of the reasons I rarely watch is that America has horrid taste and they let the good ones go.
Hmmm. Let's see. We need an actress who can be nervous/vacant and always very very pretty while simultaneously projecting a complete lack of eroticism (perfect for that tweener/senior crowd). So, it's gotta be Katie Holmes. Very pretty but it's almost impossible to picture her actually having sex --even when she's simulating it onscreen. If problems crop up with
Tom's approval Katie's availability, I'm all for casting
Ginnifer Goodwin. She's a better actress. Although it is really easy to picture her having sex since she comes across as, well, a real person.

The real reason people probably watch this show though is the judges. Or more specifically the human train wreck that is
Paula Abdul. You need a really top notch celebrity actress in this part. Someone who understands the precarious mental balance achieved by the perfect mix of pharmaceutical prescriptions + horny loneliness ÷ fading stardom. It has to be
the Sharon Stone. Give her a tan, a dye job, and lots of screen time and maybe we got another Oscar nomination.
OK. I'm spent. I can't go on. The rest you'll have to cast yourself.

Randy, Simon, Ryan, Chris Daughtry, Elliott Yamin, and Kellie Pickler await your votes.
Who should play them in this imaginary film? I await your genius comments...
Paula Abdul,
American Idol,
Katie Holmes,
reality TV,
Steve Martin,
Sharon Stone,
Ice Cube
Heee, this is such a good post, I am a big Elliott and Paris fan over here. I'd like to see Reese Witherspoon play Kellie Pickler, to me she is this weird cross of a poor man's June Carter by way of Elle Woods ...so who else can you get, the other option would have been young Lucille Ball, but I guess she's disqualified.
As for Paris, she always reminded me of Rudy from the Cosby show, so I vote for Keisha Knight Pulliam to play her.
Can a sock puppet play Ryan Seacrest? Not technically a "living person", but then, I have my doubts about Seacrest.
I know exactly who could play Elliot - an actor named James McAvoy. He played Mr. Tummus in CHRONICLES OF NARNIA.
As for Kellie Pickler - isn't it obvious? Jessica Simpson...
Chris? Vin Diesel or some of those guys in the butcher Falcon films (not that I've ever seen any of those movies...).
Seriously, am I the only one thinking that Seann William Scott should play Ryan Seacrest. They have sorta similar looks (although Seann is way better looking, if that makes sense) and Ryan is a dickwit and Seann can play a good dickwit.
"Dickwit" isn't used enough as an insult to idiots like Seacrest. The only seasons of Am. Idol we got was the one with Fantasia and... er, that country girl. And I'm glad I watched the Fantasia one because now I can be excited about Dreamgirls for more reasons. I didn't watch the other season. The Australian version was bad enough.
The Fantasia season was the best one .. last year (the country girl season.. CARRIE!) was ruined for me because of all the Bo Bice love, can't stand him!
This show is living proof that Satan exists. And that Satan is a mean, evil bastard.
that's all ya got people? we barely have any of them cast...?
Dred Scott as Chris Daughtry
Terri Hatcher as Ryan Seacrest
Donna Douglas comes out of retirement as Kellie Pickler.
Ryan Phillipe as Ryan Seacrest
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