Had she miraculously lived through breast cancer, that haze of smoke constantly surrounding
Bette Davis would've taken her. But not without a fight! The sharp-tongued screen legend woulda been 98 long years old today *wipes away tear* So if you still haven't kicked the habit, light a cigarette today in her honor. Better yet, curl up with one of her movies.
Previous Bette-centric posts:
"She's a Bitch @ The Movies" video compilation
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Halloween
I noticed on IMDb that Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Melvyn Douglas, and Spencer Tracy were all born today. If today were my birthday, I would be signing up for auditions NOW. Clearly some amazing zodiac action going on.
so true. hee
nice that they listed all of them. sometimes the people they select to be highlighted and in which order embarrass the hell out of me.
It's the Aries connection, I think. We're a passionate, fiery, prodigiously talented bunch (lol). My birthday is on Friday, but which star do I have to share it with? Russell Crowe. :-(
P.S. Do they celebrate terrestrial birthdays in heaven? If so, a very happy one to Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Melvyn Douglas, and Spencer Tracy. Get shitty!
I would happily share more than a birthday with Russell Crowe. Is that wrong?
I am with you nick, but only Russell Crowe circa Gladiator days!
Gladiator days AND Master & Commander days. Man, he was hot in M&C... it was the hair, I think.
Also, my birthday is a mere one day after Meryl Streep's (I am June 23). And actually, I was born at like 1:09am, so really it's basically the same day... at least with my current sleep schedule...
I share my birthday with J Lo eeewww :-(
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