Thursday, April 17, 2008

Julia & Clive, Close Again

Here's Julia Roberts & Clive Owen filming Duplicity, which is both Tony Gilroy's follow up to his Oscar nominated directorial debut (Michael Clayton) and a reunion for those hostile marrieds from Closer. The stars are playing corporate spies in this one who used to be lovers. Maybe they will be able to have some heated nasty exchanges to remind us of their first pairing onscreen...

Tony Gilroy wrote the Bourne movies before writing and directing Michael Clayton. Will lightning strike thrice? And do you need Julia in a way that Charlie Wilson's War didn't deliver?


Anonymous said...

I'm excited for this flick

Anonymous said...

The screenplay i read offers plenty of "heated nasty exchanges" between the two.

But it's meant to be a popcorn movie, a great one.


Anonymous said...

Actually Roberts was good in Charlie Wilson's War. Her character was supposed to be over-the-top. It's just wasn't that great of a role

Anonymous said...

ugh - i'm sick of her.


anonymous --i'm always pleasantly surprised when people don't go for her ...but being sick of her? she hasn't really bee around for awhile.

but having never been a great fan (I like a few performances and that's about it) I appreciate the dissent ;)

Anonymous said...

i think the shine went from julia when she read out denzels name at the 2002 oscars and made it all about her,i used tol ove her but now feel she is a self satisfied smug bitch.

loved her in closer though her best ever performance after eb.

Anonymous said...

Julia's awesome. Can't wait for her to really have a comeback. Maybe this film will be the one.

Anonymous said...

I'm Jimmy & I was anonymous #1....ugh, I'm sick of her. I'm sick of her because of what anonymous #2said. "Ohhhh, I love my life..." giving Denzel the Oscar. It really should have been Ellen Burstyn up there, but I shant go down that road. Julia makes me want to heave when she goes on Oprah....she takes herself soooo seriously & I've never been impressed with her acting. I get so sick of these over-indulged, wealthy actresses who have a baby - then suddenly become expert mothers. I say let their nannys & housekeepers join them on Oprah to talk about what it takes to raise and care for a baby. She doesn't come across as too smart, either.

Anonymous said...

I was never much of a fan of Julia's - I didn't find Pretty Woman romantic, and most of her movies aren't much fun. I have seen Notting Hill about 6 times though (I can't turn away...! dear Hugh... she's so cruel to you). But I thought she was okay, just not my favorite.

But as Jimmy said, it was her pushing her buddy for an Oscar ("I can't live in a world where I have an Oscar and Denzel doesn't", although he did have a supporting one already). I just thought, honey, there are at least 1000 actresses in the US who deserve an Oscar more than you. How can you live with THAT?

And then when she fell in love with a married guy (I - I - I want him. Therefore I should have him. How dare his wife drag her feet on getting a divorce? "I knew he was the man for me from the moment I saw him". (Married). Also not romantic.

Clive Owen, on the other hand, fabulous. Can hardly wait to see him in "The International" with Naomi Watts.

Anonymous said...

Clive: Did you try the free corporate buffet offered by your new employers?

Julia: Yes, Clive, I did.

Clive: And how did the frozen yogurt taste?