NY Times looks at The Lucky Ones (with Michael Peña and Rachel McAdams) and the ongoing dilemma of marketing Iraq-themed Hollywood pictures. Blah
<--- Telegraph Sally Hawkins on starring in Happy Go Lucky and collaborating with auteur Mike Leigh. Whee
As Little As Possible watches Geoffrey Rush die four times at once. Neat
Empire Michael Cera talks about starring in the adaptation of the Scott Pilgrim series. Fun
Thompson on Hollywood Tom Cruise heavily made up for Tropic Thunder. Perhaps I erred on my makeup predictions for Oscar. Argh
Hollywood Elsewhere hears good buzz on Doubt and Milk. Yeah
Topless Robot has superhero analogies to political figures. Bizarre
Reverse Shot loves Flight of the Red Balloon. Okay

Gonna add another link.
Blindness teaser trailer!
Here: http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie.aspx?m=2086453&
- cal roth
You can find a poster there, too.
- cal roth
It looks fantastic. The teaser reminds me very much of Children of Men.
Could somebody call Nathaniel and make him watch it now? Julianne Moore for the Oscar!
- cal roth
Breaking News :
Kidman and Dench are in talks to play in "Nine", the adaptation of the Broadway musical, according to none other than the Hollywood Reporter. Empire Magazine goes as far to say they both already signed up.
Do it, Nicole, stay away from depressing dramas for a while and get back to your Moulin Rouge shutzpah. Between this and Australia, I think she's back with a vengeance.
On a tabloid note : Penelope Cruz is already cast in the film.. hmmm, is Mimi Rogers auditioning as well ?
La Dench is signed on to "Nine"?
Loooooooooooove it!
these must be cameos though, right?
because so many big names were already announced for the main roles
No, there's one leading man and a bunch of women around him, 5 I think (Cotillard, Loren, Cruz, Dench, La Kidman)
FYC Academy Awards 2010
Best Supporting Actress : Nicole Kidman -Nine
The campaign is starting !!
well i've seen NINE is my point and even though it's a big cast there's only a few roles that are really compelling and as far as I knew those were already cast
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