Egotastic More Julianne Moore in Paris Vogue. Too bad she doesn't get this naked in the movie she's promoting
Village Voice's Tribeca coverage includes an interview with the quotable Guy Maddin on his film My Winnipeg
Empire on the upcoming (still) DVD release of the Kill Bills fused together. I'd like that to come out as much as anyone but it actually angers me to read about all the extras QT is writing/making for it. Make another film damnit! Quit jabbering away to anyone who will listen and make some damn features. So freaking slow that man. So much talent going to waste
Flick Filosopher one of my Manhattan movie buddies, enjoyed Comic Con more than I. She has abundant photos to prove it. Speaking of Comic Con, here's a pic I took that I forgot to post. I promise it's my last superhero reference until Iron Man opens. Here we see bitter enemies Emma Frost (The White Queen) and Jean Grey (Dark Phoenix) hangin' together like old friends

Why do I have this inexplicable desire to show this photo to Famke Janssen when I meet her @ the Indianapolis Film Festival? Or bring along my X-Men: Dark Phoenix compilation for her to sign? (She can't be scribbling on the original issues but I got those, too)
Where were we... yes, yes, more links
StinkyLulu is planning a Madeline Kahn Appreciation Day. Mark your calendars.
My New Plaid Pants Adrian Barraza (so great in Babel) goes back to hell
Boy Culture on the Broadway adaptation of Cry Baby
Crazy Days and Nights on Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman's son Conor making his movie debut. Snarky but there's a choice LOL line about sunscreen
If Charlie Parker... Almodóvar helps his mom with her knitting
Vanity Fair David Poland and Elizabeth Hurlbut discuss the peni' in Apatow films

<--- Bauer-Griffin takes a well timed look back at Robert Downey Jr & Sarah Jessica Parker in the 80s. My how things have changed (and changed ... and changed) for both of them and their careers since. Should be a big summer for them, separately of course. (Calm down, Matthew!) Unless Iron Man is cameo'in' for Sex & The City too! Could you imagine? Methinks the haters would be happier if it was The Incredible Hulk who tore through the cosmo-logged metropolis of the four sexy/funny ladies, though.
I care enough about silent movies. Give us our week!
- The Opinionated Australian
Wow, Jean Grey really let herself go ;)
Emma Frost looks fierce, though a tad overdressed ;) I really wish her character had been included in an X-Men film. She was so fabulously vain and bitchy.
I second the call for silent movie week
"I'd devote a whole week to silent movies if I thought any of ya cared enough."
I care! I care!
and I add, I would link and even try to contribute to a Silent Movie Week.
Silent movie week! Just up my alley!
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