...which, judging from the preview, looks too dumb for smart people and too boring for dumb peopleExactly. But I'll go. In fact the poster reminded me that I was late making my moves on my latest games of Scrabulous on Facebook. I can't stop.
I love Scrabble, l-o-v-e. I don't care if you think that makes me nerdy. I'm actually better @ Boggle but Scrabble is more social as word-freak board games go. So here is a board I whipped up for Smart People's release. I tried to use every letter and only words that you could actually use in Scrabble and that reminded me of the movie or the stars involved...

Okay okay, nitpickers. I didn't use all the letters.

You try making words out of that.
lol, I'm also a Scrabble fanatic. Did you know you can the only word that can fit across the board using 15 different letters is 'uncopyrightable'? :P
And that "feedback" is the shortest word in the English language that uses all the letters from A-F?
N, I would totally allow "meathead" in a game of Scrabble. Surely a genre of person, like nitpicker, and not just a Rob Reiner Creation.
Also, those letters left over could be the Word Verification for these comments, if you decided to turn that function on, and you would be SET.
"Meathead" is a perfectly acceptable scrabble word- you can just build "meat" onto "head" or vice versa...
Ooh, so this means I can start more games of Scrabulous with you and not feed weird about it. Even though you totally beat me last time, as I recall...
I've gotten better, though. Rematch!
you could have added "fit" at that bottom T near the triple word score! ;o)
scrabulous has been my downfall... I spend waaaay too much time on facebook trying to figure out how I'm finally going to beat my dad! :p
so... feedback!!! how was the movie?
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