From right to left, just to be backwards: Patty Clarkson at the "Speed the Plow" premiere in NYC (Elizabeth Moss from Mad Men is playing the old Madonna role from the 80s in this David Mamet revival), Elizabeth Banks all old school glam at a W. party, former Goonie and currently ubiquitous stage star Martha Plimpton as well as my movie-retired film experience iconKathleen Turner were also at "Speed the Plow". Parker Posey at some gala or another --we haven't seen her in a while what with the movie career slowing down but she's always worth looking at.

<-- But did she bring her man? Or whoever it was she brought to the Hollywood Film Festival in mid October. He looks too much like blurb whore automaton Ben Lyons for my comfort. If he's anything like that "critic" run away Amy, run away... Doubt.
For a second I thought Amy's guy was Casey Affleck.
EWWWW... I didn't really need to see Martha Plimpton again for the rest of my life! (River Phoenix, how could you?!?!).
But Kristen Stewart saves everything!
not being mean....just very disappointed - kathleen turner is beginning to look tank-like. How did she let herself go so badly? I guess she's going the black moo-moo route. really too bad.
Nate, how may I ask is it possible that "yes on 8" is one of your sponsors???
i don't know what you mean. i have a No on 8 in my sidebar
i'm sorry that this so off topic, but i have to share: KATE! MOTHERFING WINSLET! is on the COVER OF VANITY FAIR!!! and as CATHERINE DENEVUE!! i don't think i can take the amazingness. i'm gonna have to throw myself into a wall a la mary katherine gallagher.
(or that kristin wiig character that gets overly excited to be more current)
on my computer, it says "Yes on 8"
To be more specific:
Yes on Prop 8
Protect Traditional Marriage. Keep Marriage Between a Man & Woman.
Martha Plimpton was a goonie! Come on!
(Does my computer have a virus if it says "Yes on Prop 8" in your sponsor section?)
that's so weird. that is not what I see. I see "Oscar Film" --something unrelated to politics.
I see two things:
Advertise here
Hollywood Film Blog
googles advertising
And the rest of what I already posted
How did you link up to the "No on 8"? (Was it perhaps a fake one that was really a "Yes on 8" . . . ?if that makes any sense)
jimmy -kathleen has had really bad health for years now. but yes she did start the thickening pretty early. She was already having trouble with it by the early 90s when she was still very A list.
Speed-the-Plow was so satisfying and good.
Right under the Obama Pride ad I see a Vote No on Prop 8 ad. I don't see anything yes.
i read kathleen's book....so i understand the health probs....just too bad.
Glenn, it was under sponsors not "In Lieu of Film Experience Donations..." Anyway, it's gone. Weird.
... and it's back . . . I'm pretty sure I'm not smoking anything right now . . .
I feel like William Shatner in that airplane/gremlin Twighlight Zone episode
i LOVED martha plimpton in th 80's shy people,running in emoty,the goonies she was so cool.
i'd rather see ehr on screen than the likes of cameron diaz,jessica biel,lindsay lohan,kirsten dunst and their type.
utterly bizarre vinci. i still see google ads (very strange since I removed the html for it) but not that one--i'm assuming the ads are different for each reader depending on what text they have shown interest in ? i'm guessing it's something fancy and googley like that. but i definitely don't want any links to unamerican discriminatory bullpuckey ;)
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