Highlight the following text if you don't mind clues...
This one is easy but I love love love seeing the images paired. Every time I glance at this movie it get's better. I usually can't stop at only one scene. Just think about that last frame for a moment and then remember the demented hysteria of the mother/daughter drama that preceeds it. And even after death it's still mother/daughter hysterics... albeit more loving and with less crazy. Wheeeeee. It's like a perfect movie, y'all.
This is one of my all time favorite movies that I've written about frequently right here
M in DC
Carrie (aargh, too slow).
Carrie is the first one i knew.
Poor Sue Snell :(
Carrie White burns in Hell!!!
Carrie, thank God I got that!
Carrie!!!! I remember the first time I saw this. I was like 10 or 11. I was not able to sleep the night because I remember the house sinking and Carrie's eyes. I got sick in the morning, and I had to sleep along with my mother for days.
Yea, this one was easy.
I'm only 2 out of 11.
This is the first one I knew, and I recognized it right away. Carrie, of course. Incidentally, when her hand came up out of the ground, I swear I jumped up at least a foot out of my seat. Never happened before or since.
i missed an opportunity again to post first.
gah, i'm so lazy. but yes, Carrie indeed. it's one of my favorite books/movies. It's so twisted in how you can sympathize with Carrie even though she goes apeshit at the prom.
they're all going to laugh at you!!!!
they're all going to laugh at you!!!!
they're all going to laugh at you!!!!
It was the first one I knew as well -- even without the text clues. I still can't believe I didn't get Velvet Goldmine -- a real fave
Is it really "Carrie"?!? I guess it must be. Wow, I thought it had to be a trick. Too easy, Mr. Rogers.
they can't all be super difficult. everyone will become frustrated and leave town... i mean this blog.
Thanks for making it easy Nat. What do I win besides the satisfaction of being first.
M in DC
Is it really Carrie's butt ?
She must have used a stand-in. Looks more like Sarah Connor's.
Anonymous, you would be winning prizes, but only if you have a name! Sorry.
Anonymous is Michael in DC.
This is the first one I've ever got too.
I'm amazed at the cinematic erudition of those who gotten the other firsts&lasts.
Wow, this was a gimme.
the easiest one so far ;-)
Wow. First immediate thought was Carrie, but I somehow changed it to Porky's as a guess. Strange how the mind works...
loves it.
and i do mean LOVES IT!
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