StinkyLulu investigates Cher's work in Silkwood. I just watched this again and I love this performance. In fact, I love every turn in the film including Kurt Russell's. I wish Mike Nichols would make something this humble but stirring and potent again.
New Yorker Evan Rachel Wood takes trapeze lessons. Fun piece... though I'll believe Jodie Foster's decades-delayed Flora Plum circus project -- not mentioned but why else the trapeze lessons -- when I see it.
In Contention A Christmas Carol sneaks.
Score Enthusiast on Alexandre Desplat's work on Chéri
Nick's Flick Picks a beautiful even handed tribute to Meryl Streep's career and its foibles, triumphs and unique pleasures
It's gay pride week in NYC
FourFour has a great post on the documentary Ask Not on gays in the military and Brüno's comedic use of homophobia
Boy Culture takes justifiable aim at Will & Grace creator Max Mutchnick who has been dredging up the ol lame chestnut 'these people don't represent me'. When will people learn that wedge politics are not helpful for minorities?

Toys R Evil Marilyn's Mickies - a cheesecake mashup [not really SFW]
Blog Stage Sarah Jessica Parker is making a reality show American Artists. There's a reality competition for just about everything now 'cept blogging. It's hard to dramatize typing, isn't it?
i challenge you...
to beat my score on Cryptic Canvas. It's a really hard but fun movie naming painted puzzle (all films from the past 20 years). Thanks to In Contention for pointing it out. I only got 27/50 answers in 20 minutes. Challenging stuff. I'm still so confused by the three pony-tailed girls in the graveyard.
Absolutely love Stinky Lulu's take on Cher. Really under-appreciated performance and film.
I'm loving the Cryptic Canvas.
It seems as clues as the red windmill and the one with my country's flag were made for me. lol..
but the fighting cheerleaders are hard. i thought it might have been BRING IT ON.
F*cking Marylin Manson AND taking trapeze lessons ?
Boy does Evan like to live dangerously
i surrendered at thirty correct answers, in about an hour..
I have not seen SILKWOOD. in fact, I haven't seen many of Streeps early works. I still don't know what Sophie had to choose (and don't spoil it for me!). I think the first thing I saw streep in was POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, and unfortunately, I haven't traveled back in time with her.
I'm inspired to see more of her films now.
That movie canvas quiz is great! And hard. I managed 32 in about half of an hour and then gave up. I thought the cheerleaders might have been Girlfight but no.
Take a really close look at the face of the cheerleaders.
I got about 21 in 15 minutes. I'm totally stumped on the rest though. What the hell are the three cheerleaders? I guessed Bring it On and Buffy the Vampire Slayer to no avail...
i'm still stumped on the three girls in the graveyard. I've been staring at it forever. can't figure out if they have mask faces, skull faces, or dog faces... and what the three of them have to do with anything. hmmm
also can't figure out the men pushing the stroller. I thought it was "daddy day care" ha ha
I'm up to 43 now but still don't know what those cheerleaders are meant to be...grrargh
I buzzed through 30 in about 12 minutes, and then hit a wall. 15 minutes with nothing.
About the three girls, observe the kind of films that they're referencing elsewhere, and try to think of a film series of that kind that is prominently missing.
Next hint: stop thinking "cheerleaders".
I'm on 42... stumped by the fighting cheerleaders, and the housewife with the books.
yeah that woman with the books in the shredder tumped me too.
Made it to 49, in about an hour. Only the three C's are still killing me.
One of the films, incidentally, is NOT from the last 20 years.
I'm up to 46 and have finally got the three cheerleaders - thanks for the hint, Tim. There's a great "D'uh - but of course!" factor to this that I'm really enjoying. And the illustrations are much better the photoshop version of this that Total Film do every month.
Got all 50! There's a charming admission when you win that the three cheerleaders clue was obnoxious.
Oh yeah, I tried that a few weeks ago. I managed to get all 50, but it took me a couple of tries and some help from friends. Some of the clues are rather ambiguous.
Nathaniel: for the three girls, think about how they look similar and focus on what they're doing. And like Tim mentioned, forget that they're cheerleaders.
I got 34 and am stumped. I'm not even sure where there are 16 other clues, but I'm a little dense.
I did get the one that was emphatically not from the last 20, but I'm glad to know that's the only "cheat."
I thought Daddy Day Care, too, and I'm amazed that isn't right.
Totally stuck on a mere 20. My brain clearly does not work well in situations like these. I've taken to typing descriptions of the pictures, in the vain hope that "a bunch of cars driving into a dragon's mouth" is the name of some obscure film.
Stupid guesses I've tried for our trio of friends in the graveyard:
The Three Faces of Eve
The Fellowship of the Ring (I was SURE this was right. Ring = boxing ring. Fellowship = they're all togther...blah).
GOT THE GIRLS! Thanks to Tim's great clue. Okay. Now for 23 more. Bleurgh.
You should definitely see Silkwood. Not for Cher (I was not very fond of in it), but to see Meryl. This was back in the days when she was at the top of her game. And when I liked her.
catherine... the dragon thing is D'OH! when you finally get it.
it's so obvious... ignore the cars and just think of the action of it.
I spent over two hours solving this and I'm proud to have guessed 40. Extremely difficult.
Nathaniel, did you get the cheerleaders and the other ones you mentioned before?
It took me more than 2 hours (and a lot of help from my co-workers) to finish it.
i'm ready to give up. I'm up to 35.
the 11 i just can't get... (i don't know what other 4 I'm missing can't find any more clues than 46
* that damn coatrack
* the triplet girls
* the black man with the little baseball boy
* the dead guy with english flag on him i tried "last of england"
* the plane carrying the empire sign (i tried "empire of the sun")
* the guy with the stroller and two girls
* that bird with the flower in its mouth
* that lone screw
* that guy crouching in graveyard. i can't see what is sitting beside him. Is it a gun? or a letter F?
* the book shredding lady
* the two guitars
OH the three Cs... that's another one i'm missing.
i tried "big business" i tried "the corporation"
any clues appreciated
it's driving me nuts .. almost got fired today because of this and still haven't finished
three Cs: think roman numerals.
plane with sign: look carefully at the plane.
book shredding lady: what do the books become when they're shredded?
english flag: the guy is sick.
the bird and flower are 2 separate movies.
the guy with the stroller and the black guy with baseball boy are one movie.
that's all I can think of. the other ones are too hard to think of clues. hope that helps!
* The Guitars are not guitars, they are Lyres.
* The black man with the baseball kid and the white man with the stroller are together. All the kids with them are their children.
* the bird and the flower are 2 different movies. What kind of flower and what kind of bird are they?
* the dead guy from england is not dead yet.
* the empire plane - take a really close look at the painting of the airplane (I tried Empire of the sun too). The Empire sign has nothing to do with it.
* The Guy on the graveyard and the cheerleaders are the same move. What are the cheerlearders doing to him? And cheerlearders look all the same, but why? Are they twins, clones, just wearing the same costumes? (its to most ridiculous one, and I dont wanna give to much).
* The Shereding books lady: what kind of books?? What comes out of the machine?
* The single screw: think on synonymous.
* If by coatrack you mean the thing on water tank, just think very bad dustin hoffman
* The triplets? The Little Triplets?
I hope I dont give the game away.
I need help.
Jiminy. Yep, the fathers and children are all one clue, with the 3 little kids a separate film.
The two stringed instruments go by a more ancient name. I kept thinking they were a pair or a plural of the name, but just repeat what they are.
I can't get the formula spreadsheety thing. It's something obvious, isn't it?
Oh, the coatrack thingie...think one-word title.
I was so sure those evil cheerleader triplets were Charlie's Angels. Fail.
I am too embarrassed to admit the other 13 I'm still struggling with. Is there an answer key?
Oo I got it! That was obnoxious. Still 12 more to go though. For some inexplicable reason the dragon is giving me a lot of trouble.
Nathaniel, its OK to post an anwser key here as Rosengje requested?
Aah I'm on 48... just the two dads with the stroller, and the woman shredding books to go.
I will defeat this.
Aah I'm on 48... just the two dads with the stroller, and the woman shredding books to go.
I will defeat this.
Nat, the big screw... is not a screw. It's also not one the hreat movies of the last 20 years, but that's neither here nor there. Not a screw.
Also, the lady shredding books isn't "shredding" "books" either.
ok, i finally got the trio of girls but i'm stuck on 49/50 - i can't find anything else to click on. is there anything more obscure than the ground markings (so hard not to give anything away) that i'm missing?
scratch that - found it
man, that took far too long...
glenn... i assume she's juicing or grinding them but i still can't figure it out. grrrr
Guys, this one is even harder:
Only horror movies!!
Damn...can't get past 26, and I have to dash. Maybe fresh eyes later can noodle out some more.
Nat, I suggest you pour yourself a glass of orange juice (with pulp!) and read a good piece of fiction. It'll relax your mind and make it easier to figure out.
hee! thanks glenn. i'm almost done.
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