Remember a couple weeks ago when
we joked about Hollywood's endless reboots, remakes and sequels...
Vera Drake 2: Jail Break! Well it's on everyone's mind this summer what with
Star Trek rebooting and
Terminator probably collapsing: first
Sarah Connor gets cancelled and now
T4 can't beat the $ of
Ouch. Bless
Movie | Line for doing some investigating about A-Listers and their relationship to franchises. It's a fact of life for the top moneymakers. Or is it?
In this chart "near franchises" is a subjective number, referring to films that were obviously intended for / or completely natural fits for sequels
if the star had wanted it or if the first film hadn't flopped
It turns out not all of the A-Listers believe in repetition. You may already know that our June subject girl
Meryl Streep has never made a sequel but it was interesting to note who else has never done double or triple duty versus those who have done them regularly.
Read away
As much as I tire of the franchise looping, I must admit it's fun to think of Streep recreating one of her characters. It would be such a novelty. Which film would you most love to see her make a sequel to:
Kramer Vs. Kramer (what could they go to court about in their 60s?),
The Devil Wears Prada... Again,
The River Wilder,
Adaptation 2,
Death Becomes Them Still?
Postcards from the Edgier. Meryl Streep takes over the rehab center as Miranda Priestley and bitchily runs it a la Nurse Rached. Jack Nicholson will try to revolt against her and he'll be reunited with Shirley MacLaine as Aurora, who's trying to get back into showbiz. (I want her to sing again because I love when she sings "I'm Still Here".)
All of the Oscar winners this year also have not done sequels. Though I'm not really familiar with Penelope's filmography, so maybe not. Anyone care to confirm?
I don't see how Death becomes her could have a sequel. :p
Idea! Brooklyn. Manhattan's sequel. Meryl has broken up with the woman she was with and is now dating Winslet. Woody Allen accuses her of trying to feel young again by dating someone almost half her age and she answers: "You're the one to talk...". We have the beginning of the trailer!
The closest Streep ever came to a franchise was the "John Grisham" franchise (if that counts, as I'm sure it doesn't in most circles). There was a rumor way back when that she was *this close* to signing on to play a "ball-busting" attorney in "The Firm." I believe her character would have been added to the film or gender-switched from the book. Anyway ....
Makes me think of what a crazy time her career was from 1989 to 1994. She did two broad comedy-dramas, two black comedies, an action film (and then a horrible literary adaptation). She seems to have these phases (gross generalization, but ...) ...
the ingenue/supporting phase 77 - 80
the Oscar-nominated accent/affected phase 81 - 88
the comedy (with a lil action) phase 89 - 94
the Oscar-nominated bland dramatic phase 95 -99
the "come-back" phase 2002 - 2004
the "back on top" phase 2006 -
haha, just having fun
What was 2000-2001? (Or 2005?) The time-out phase? ;-)
You know Carrie Fisher wrote another book about Suzanne Vale... ;)
Sophie's OTHER Choice
I really can't see any of Streep's films having sequels. I wonder if anyone could find the original version of Death Becomes Her though. Apparently it was good before Tracey Ullman was edited out.
If there is a Mamma Mia! 2 I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!
What about a sequel to Doubt? Imagine Amy Adams pulling a Whoopi... :)
Better yet, let's find a way to get Amanda Seyfried, Anne Hathaway, Amy Adams and Meryl Streep in that catholic school, and let's have them singing all the 120 minutes of film... :)
I don't know how they are so shocked to know Adam Sandler never made a sequel. Does he have one movie which was good enough to have a follow-up?
Can anyone explain to me how, for instance, Daniel Day-Lewis (#36) or Gwyneth Paltrow (#40), are above Sean Penn (#44), Daniel Craig (#46), Cameron Diaz (#47) or Eddie Murphy (#49)?
Day-Lewis works very rarely, Gwyneth hasn't had a hit in ages... Penn works frequently, has 2 Oscars to prove it, writes and directs... Craig was in 2 Bond movies... Diaz has been in fond rom-coms since the late 90s... And Eddie Murphy... We don't even have to discuss...
Can anyone explain this to me?
Even more behind is Jennifer Aniston, Hugh Grant, Sandra Bullock, Richard Gere... I don't get it.
Cluster ... haha
Jorge ... Don't Mess With the Zohan. Wedding Singer. Those two are GREAT films, IMO.
Back to Africa
Another Cry in the Dark
Primer (wait, didn't they make that?)
and of course, After Before and After
I think all Meryl's movies is complete!They no deserve a sequel...if someone makes a sequel I think he/she makes it just for money, and make movie just for money isn't a good idea!
Nick another cry in the dark? What could Lindy be crying about this time?
Jim T... re: Death Becomes Her sequel. HAHA. oh yes. there is that ending to work around. But if I know Hollywood, it could be done!
I think "The River Wild" could have a sequel, the same goes for "Postcards from the Edge" or "Manhattan", it would be really interesting.
I'm not sure if a sequel from "The devil wears Prada" or "Mamma Mia" would work.
Mackenzie... re: the river wilder. I seriously am surprised that nobody in Hollywood is working on that what with Meryl's newly reinvigorating box office strength (people are acting like that's new but it's not totally new. her films were definitely hits at the beginnning of her career) and the film's familiarity. I don't necessarily want to encourage hollywood to make more sequels lord knows but i think a lot of generally well liked mainstream pictures that have been shown on cable a million times could have successful sequels if anyone stopped to think about it and managed to convince the original stars to return.
Doubt: The Revenge of the nun.
Oh, cmon, I find that "The River Wild" was really a pointelss movie. Not sure how she managed a Golden Globe nomination for that one. And now you want a sequel???
I love Meryl to death but I didn't like too much her films when she was young. I mean, you've seen one, you've seen them all. With a few excpetions like "Death Becomes Her" and "Postcards From The Edge" (which I think is one of her bests) there wasn't that much originality in her movies. I know it sounds like a sacriledge but I think she's done her best work in the last 10 - 15 years
While not a sequel, we do have to remember Streep reprised Angela Landsbury's role in the Manchurian Candidate.
@DavidC: Nathaniel doesn't like to remember that. Best not to bring it up.
adelutza i'm not saying we need a River Wild sequel ;) i'm just saying given Streep's drawing power...
Kramer vs. Predator.
Hands down.
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