Celeste Talbert: Could you please point out to our new costume designer whose name I don't quite have yet that I don't feel quite right in a turban.

What I feel like is Gloria Fucking Swanson!Actually, Sally, far be it from me to correct you but Gloria F Swanson was only 50 when she made Sunset Blvd. But, point taken: You don't feel quite right in a turban.
What am I 70, David? Am I 70? Why don't you just put me in a walker? Buy a goddamn walker and put me in it.
Gloria on the other hand...

Gloria Swanson Sally Field
Ha! All this talk of Soapdish is making me feel like I need to check it out. If nothing else than to see Gidget drop an f-bomb...
I think of Swanson when I see Charlie Chaplin :p
I LOVE that scene, and I remember the dialog perfectly... but in italian!
" I'm ready for my closeup now Mr. DeMille... "
Love Sunset Boulevard !
I bought "Soapdish" from the bargain bin, and it is fun. Everyone is so young! Robert Downey Jr. still has wet lips! (his early look).
I haven't seen much of Gloria Swanson's work, but I really like her. She isn't only "Sunset Boulevard", which partly works so well because she was a terrific comedienne and a fearless independent tough-spoken woman. Not afraid of looking ridiculous. She made the kind of movies that women liked to watch (as I understand it) stylish and clever.
A little like Doris Day later on. Within the limits of the era, she was an independent woman who made her own money and dressed beautifully to please herself. And got what she wanted at the end.
PS: Wasn't Gloria Swanson JFK's father's mistress? An actress mistress a notion that was handed down through the family?
adri -- really? I guess i should read more hollywood bios.
Actors on actors -- a new series, eh?
I'm intrigued.
Tawny Miller.
Man this is bizarre - I MUST send you Swanson's 1980 autobiography this week, Nathaniel.
@adri (and Nat): Yes, she was Joseph Kennedy's lover for a time. Whilst she was married to her third husband, btw. She's quite frank about it in the autobiography I just finished. (I don't usually read "star autobiographies" but hers I actually found entertaining and absorbing.
I wish the rest of Soapdish had been on par with this scene. It started out very witty and caustic but for me loses quite a bit of its bite. And *spoiler* why does the undoing of the "villain" have to be to reveal them to be transgendered? Rather like the "twist" at the end of "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. *end spoiler*
This is made even more awesome by the fact that I happened to have rewatched it a couple of weeks ago.
I haven't seen enough of her movies but of course I loved her in Sunset Boulevard.
On the basis of that scene a friend of mine gave me a gold turban and a fake pearl necklace. It doesn't get any better than that. Cue to the scene where Celeste is manically cutting up her newest costume, looking fittingly Glenn Close-esque with a cigarette dangling from her mouth.
Sally was so great in this. Just the right amount of over-the-top. Of course Cathy Moriarty stole the movie. "It's the Brain Fever, he could blow at any moment!"
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