This film was previously covered in the "We Can't Wait" series but now that there's more physical evidence, are we looking forward to seeing it?
Yes. Keir Gilchrist is an exceptional young actor (if The United States of Tara is any indication). And the film looks sweet and funny. It's directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck who've only made Sugar and Half Nelson but both films were received warmly by critics and the small audiences that sought them out. Can they expect there appreciative audience considerably this time?

No. The 'mental disorders are hilarious and crazy people help you grow!' movie trope can wear thin and false real fast. Does the movie have more emotional range than this trailer suggests?
Maybe So. But it does look funny, focused and specific. Specific is good.
Are you a "yes", "no", or "maybe so"?
I would be a yes if it was not for a major detail I didn't notice in the trailer. Noelle ("I Hate Boys") cut up her face in the book. I couldn't see any scars. Anyone else?
But Galifanakis IS funny, so...I'm a yes. But it's not as strong a yes as I would like.
Zach Galkjxkjhfailkis is in everything lately. This, the Robert Downey Jr film, the one with Steve Carell and Paul Rudd, and that HBO show. Must be nice getting all that post "The Hangover" attention and work. Hope that he doesn't completely typecast himself from here on out.
Galifanakis is the only thing giving me pause about this. He really creeps me out a lot of the time. His whole schtick is having a screw loose, and I flip-flop between him being an absolute genius and a genuinely crazy person with a lot of luck and that worries me. I'll give him this: he's a fine pianist.
However, watching the trailer, I think this looks like a sensitive and funny film about a young person with depression and I can get behind that. I'm seeing a few spots where the characters are being made fun of, but I'm also sensing that's not the point of the film.
Yes, given the filmmakers and the lead. Zach G's performance in the trailer turns me off, as does the tone and implied story. But Half Nelson was great and KG is an appealing talent, so I'll give it a try.
Btw, it was funny to see Zach G in seemingly 3/4s of the trailers in front of Inception. Though not as funny as the trailer for Piranha 3-D. The audience was rolling with laughter at that - and in a way that would probably unsettle its studio.
If you look closely enough, she does have scars. They're not very prominent, but they're there.
Yes for me on this one. I love Half Nelson enough that I'd see anything of theirs.
@Andrew R.
Re: Noelle's scars, I have an explanation on my blog:
I could actually see Galifanakis getting an Oscar nomination. Best Supporting ACtor seems pretty weak right now, and I seem to be in the minority of thinking he looks great in this.
Yes! Great trailer! I'm in. I loved "Half Nelson," and Keir Gilchrist is one of the best young actors going right now.
Wow, I had no idea what to expect but after I watched the trailer, I am a yes. It looks good.
I'm a maybe so, as it could be decent, and Fleck and Boden are well-respected, but I wasn't a huge "Sugar" fan (although parts of it were amazing). To "Funny Story"'s credit, there is Jim Gaffigan, who can be a shining light in a bad film (he was in "Away We Go").
Also, Aasif Mandvi *always* plays a doctor. I mean, the guy was one on "Jericho," "ER," "CSI," "Oz," and in "Ghost Town" and "Analyze This."
Hooooly crap. I got a direct response from the author of the book.
Also under Yes, Lauren Graham (!)
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