Heath Ledger, one of the creatively open and fertile minds through which the stifled tragic Ennis emerged celebrates his 27th Birthday today. In a neat (jack) twist Brokeback Mountain arrives on DVD today. So you can give it as a gift to you and yours. For those readers out there (I'm sure you exist) who didn't see this during its amazing $82 million run at the box office, try to forget the endless parodies and awards season hoopla. Just get lost in the movie. It's great.
Previous writings on Brokeback (chronologically)
New With Joe Reid First Wave of Attacks
"Cowboy Fever" Part 1 and Part 2
"Love is a Force of Nature" (My Review)
The Year in Review Brokeback is #1
"Heath Ledger is a Baby" Too Young For Oscar?
A History of... Gyllenhaal
A History of...Gay Cowboys
Oscar Symposium. Lots of Brokeback Chatter w/ six guest writers
Film Bitch Awards Most Nominations and Wins
Oscar Competition: All The Races
Oscar Countdown. February 21st through Black Sunday, March 6th
Joe Reid's Best of the Year
Get Closure how to get past the Brokeback Oscar loss
[...of plentiful cowboy postings. At least until Brad Pitt saddles up as Jesse James]
tags: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, gay, movies, Brokeback Mountain, Oscars
(my god, you're on here early!)
How freaky. I just did an entry on my blog about Heath. I loves me some Heath.
(Refurbishments have occured at my blog in the last couple of days btw)
Oh, Heath. You're gorgeous.
yeehaw! and on a side note Nat, I loved, loved your predictions. It's freakin' April so who knows how accurate they will turn out, but after all that happened this Oscar season, your predictions gave me new found excitement for what looks to be one of the best film years we've had in quite a while. ta.
“...Just get lost in the movie.”
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT! You took the words right out of my mouth. It is critical to emphasize this- especially with the film’s DVD arrival.
Everyone- we all know award shows are a great way to vent cinematic passion, but let’s not forget their nothing compared to the films themselves. Oscar's legacy got marred March 5- NOT BBM’s.
I just DON’T want Brokeback to be remembered as the revolutionary, gay love story that lost the top Oscar... but instead as the revolutionary, gay love story that’s also a masterfully crafted piece of cinema. That’s how it should- and hopefully will be- forever remembered as.
Thank you Ang Lee, Heath Ledger (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), Jake Gyllenhaal et al for Brokeback Mountain. I'm deeply thankful for one of the very best films I've seen and will ever see in my life. A true work of art that will keep touching hearts and changing lives for many years to come.
I've blogged your blog on mine ("Les îles fortunées"),
on http://kiribati.blog.lemonde.fr/kiribati/.
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